Create, amend, and view stock items

Find this screen

Open: Stock Control > Stock Records > New Stock Item

Open: Stock Control > Stock Records > Amend Stock Item

Open: Stock Control > Enquiries > View Stock Item

How to

Create a new stock item

Open: Stock Control > Stock Records > New Stock Item

  1. Enter the stock item's Code (up to 30 characters), and its Name (up to 60 characters).

  2. Set up the stock item details on each tab.

    Tip: If you want to copy details from an existing item, see Duplicate an existing stock item.

  3. To save the stock item, select Save.

    • You can't save a stock item until you have set its Code, Name, and Product Group.

    • You will see a warning if you haven't set a Location (if you're using multiple locations) for the stock item. If you don't set a location before you save, the stock item status will be set as Inactive.

Amend a stock item

Open: Stock Control > Stock Records > Amend Stock Item

  1. Select the stock item's Code.

    Tip: You can also find a stock item using search categories (if you have set these up), by selecting Find button Find product in the Stock Item section. See Find stock items using search categories.

  2. Amend the stock item details as required.

    You cannot change some stock item details, for example:

    • You cannot change the code of a stock item.

    • You cannot change the product group once you have entered transactions for the stock item.

  3. To save the stock item, select Save.

View a stock item

Open: Stock Control > Enquiries > View Stock Item

  • Select the stock item's Code to view its details.

    Tip: You can also find a stock item using search categories (if you have set these up), by selecting Find button Find product in the Stock Item section. See Find stock items using search categories.

Duplicate an existing stock item

When you create a new stock item, you can copy details from an existing item. This is useful if you have stock items that are very similar.

Open: Stock Control > Stock Records > New Stock Item

  1. Enter the new stock item's Code and Name, then select Duplicate a stock item.
  2. Select the Code of the stock item that you want to duplicate.

    Note: You can't duplicate a stock item that is set as Inactive or is a Phantom item assembled using a bill of materials (BOM).

  3. Select the details to copy to your new stock item.

    • Basic details are always copied, including settings on the Details tab, Analysis tab, Batch/Serial Nos tab if applicable, and Comments tab.

      Settings for Keep movement history and Allow negative stock are also copied from the item's product group, although these are not displayed on the stock item.

    • You can choose to copy:

      • Locations, and you can also Duplicate warehouse stocking levels to copy the stocking levels for Re-order, Minimum and Maximum.

      • Supplier details.

      • Alternative items.

      • Cross-selling items.

      • Memos.

      • Units of measure.

  4. Select Duplicate to copy the details to your new stock item.
  5. Make any changes to the stock item as required.

    Tip: If you duplicated the wrong stock item by mistake, you can select Duplicate a stock item again.

  6. To save the stock item, select Save.

  • Stock movement details are not copied from the original stock item.

  • If the item you're duplicating is a Built item assembled using a bill of materials, the bill of materials is not copied.