Choose locations for a stock item

Find this screen

Open: Stock Control > Stock Records > New Stock Item

Open: Stock Control > Stock Records > Amend Stock Item

  • Use the Locations tab to enter the locations (warehouses and bins) where you store this stock item.

    All stock item types (Stock, Miscellaneous, Service / labour) require a location.

    Note: The Locations tab is not displayed for a phantom item assembled using a bill of materials (BOM).

Open: Stock Control > Stock Records > Stock Item Locations

How to

Add a warehouse for a stock item

Choose the warehouse used to store your stock item. A warehouse is usually a single whole location, such as a building.

Note: The terms Warehouse and Bin can be customised, so they might have different names in your Sage 200 company. You can customise these by setting Configurable names in Stock Control Settings (in the Sage 200 desktop).

Note: If you are not using multiple locations, you can not add a warehouse. The stock item is stored in a Home warehouse and Unspecified bin by default.

  1. Select Add in the Warehouses section.

  2. Select the warehouse Name used to store the stock item.
  3. Enter the stocking levels for this item at this warehouse:

    • The Minimum and Maximum levels are just for your records. You'll see a warning when stock levels go above or below the amount set here.

    • The Re-order level is used if you use Generate purchase orders (in the Sage 200 desktop). Purchase orders can be generated when stock level falls below the amount specified here.

  4. If the stock item is a Built item, enable Default manufacturing warehouse if this warehouse should be used by default to store the built item.

    When you assemble and Record Built Items (in the Sage 200 desktop), they're added to this warehouse by default.

  5. Note: This setting is only visible for Built items.

Add bins for a stock item

Use bins to specify a place in a warehouse where stock is stored, such as a shelf or aisle.

Every warehouse has a single bin created by default called Unspecified. If you don't want to use bins with your warehouses, all items are stored in the Unspecified bin. You can rename the Unspecified bin to something more meaningful for your company.

If your stock items are stored in more than one bin in a warehouse, then you can add a bin:

  1. Select Add in the Bins section.
  2. Select the Priority for allocating stock.

    If stock is stored in more than one bin in this warehouse, the stock is allocated to sales orders in order of the bin priority, where 1 is highest priority and 9 is lowest. So if you always want to sell stock stored in a specific bin first, then set that bin to priority 1.

  3. Enter the bin Name.

Remove a warehouse

You can only remove a warehouse if the linked stock item has zero quantity in stock, and stock from this warehouse has no allocations or outstanding orders.

  • To remove a warehouse, select Delete button Delete in the warehouse list.

Remove a bin

You can only remove a bin if the linked stock item has zero quantity in stock, and stock from this bin has no allocations or outstanding orders.

A warehouse must also have at least one bin, so you can't delete the last bin.

  • To remove a bin, select Delete button Delete in the bin list.