Details (stock item)

Find this screen

Open: Stock Control > Stock Records > New Stock Item

Open: Stock Control > Stock Records > Amend Stock Item

  • Use the Details tab to enter the main details of the stock item. Some of the information here is inherited from the stock item's product group and cannot be changed.

Item classification

Product group

All stock items belong to a product group (set in the Sage 200 desktop). The product group is used to group together stock items that have similar characteristics or requirements.

Each stock item has default settings that are used each time the item is bought or sold. The stock item will inherit some of its settings from the product group, and stock transactions will also inherit details from the stock item.

  • Select the Product group the stock item belongs to.

You must select the stock item's Product group first, because the stock item will inherit settings from the product group.

Product type

The Product type is inherited from the product group, and it cannot be changed for the stock item.

The type Stock is typically used for stock items that you count and want additional analysis, Miscellaneous for stock items that you don't count, and Service/Labour for non physical items such as providing labour or services.

Item status (make items active or inactive)

Current status

Use the Current status to make the stock item active or inactive (on hold).

  • Active stock items are available on your stock item lists, so they can be included on stock movements, sales invoices, sales orders and purchase orders.

  • Inactive stock items aren't available on your stock item lists, so they can't be included on sales invoices, sales orders or purchase orders. If you have items that you don't sell any more or stop selling temporarily, it's a good idea to set them as inactive so that they aren't added to invoices or orders by mistake.

Tip: If you can't find an item in a stock list, it's a good idea to check its status. Remember, if you save a stock item without a location, Sage 200 makes it Inactive automatically.

Inactivation date

The Inactivation date shows when the item was made inactive, and this date can be amended.

This date is used for reporting purposes only. The item will not be made Inactive on this date.

Costing method

Cost method

The Cost method controls how the cost of sales for an item is calculated.

This is inherited from the product group and cannot be changed here for the stock item.

If you change the Product group a stock item belongs to, then this may also change the Cost method. Don't forget, if you change the costing method, this will affect how your cost of sales and stock value is calculated.


In order to avoid restricting business operations, Sage 200 supports the sale of goods before their cost is known.

There can be significantly different cost of sale values for the same sequence of purchases and issues depending on the costing method used.

  • For Standard costed items, the cost of sales is calculated using the standard cost at the time of the sale. This is not adjusted when the actual cost becomes known.
  • For Average costed items, the cost of sales is calculated using the average cost at the time of the sale. This is not adjusted when the actual cost becomes known.
  • For Actual and FIFO costed items, the cost of sales is calculated using the average cost at the time of the sale. This is adjusted when the actual cost becomes known.

It also influences how the stock item value is represented in the stock Valuation report in the Sage 200 desktop.

Standard cost price / average buying price

  • Enter the Standard cost price of the item, if the Cost method is Standard.

  • Enter the Average buying price of the item, if the Cost method is Average, Actual, or FIFO.

    You can only set the average buying price for the item before you've bought some stock. Once you've bought some stock, the average buying price is calculated for you and you can't amend it.

Manufacturer details

Your supplier may have their own name and part number code for the stock item.

You can record these as the Manufacturer name and Part no for the stock item.

  • The Part no will be used as the part reference (Part ref) when you add this item to purchase orders. If you don't enter a part number, the stock item's code is used as the part reference.

You can change these at any time, and the new details will be used the next time you order the item.

BOM details

If you use stock items in a Bill of Materials (BOM), you can select how this stock item will be used.


A Component is a single stock item that is not part of a BOM. All stock items are set as a Component by default.

Built item

A Built item is a stock item that is part of a BOM, and is assembled from one or many components or sub assemblies to create a finished stock item.

Once you've set this as a Built item, you can create a Bill of Materials (BOM) for this stock item (in the Sage 200 desktop). This is a record of the items required to assemble it. You can also check whether you have enough items in stock to assemble the item and record when the item has been built so your stock levels are adjusted.

Note: You can't change a built item to a component once it's been added to a BOM and the BOM has been built.

Phantom item

A Phantom item is used in a finished item, such as an item that you would not sell to your customers or keep in stock. Phantom stock items are typically used to segment large BOMs, and to assist in planning how to build the finished item.


A Built/Bought item can be built from other stock items, or can be bought in from another supplier.

  • Select Built/Bought (Default Built) for a built item, or Built/Bought (Default Bought) for a bought item.

Trial Kitting, Costing, Allocation and Build in the Bill of Materials module use this setting.

The stock item will use the From Stock fulfilment method by default.

Stocktake cycle

You can set how often you want to count specific stock items. This is used when you create a stocktake list, to calculate the Stocktake due date for stock items. For example, if the item is set to have a stocktake every 60 days, the due date will be 60 days from when the item was last included in a stocktake.

  • Use Stocktake every to enter how often (in days) you want to do a stocktake for this item.

See Perform a stocktake.

Trading settings

Stock unit

Set the Stock unit as the unit of measure used to store the stock item.

This is inherited from the Product group.

You cannot change the Stock unit once you've entered orders that include the stock item.

VAT rate

Select the VAT rate to be used by default when the stock item is entered on transactions, such as sales invoices, sales orders and purchase orders.

You can change this VAT rate for individual transactions if required.

The stock item will automatically be set to use the first non-zero rated VAT rate, from the list of VAT rates (set up in the Sage 200 desktop).

You can change the VAT rate at any time. The new rate is used for subsequent orders.

Allow sales orders and invoices

  • If the stock item can be added to sales orders and invoices, enable Allow sales orders and invoices.

  • If the stock item should not be sold, disable Allow sales orders and invoices.

Item description


Use Description to enter a more detailed description of the item.

You can use this Description on order and invoice documents that you send to customers and suppliers, instead of the stock item's Name. To do this, select Use item description on orders and invoices.

Note: If Use item description on orders and invoices is selected, you must enter a Description before you save the stock item. Remember, you might have set this as a default on the product group, but you can clear it for the stock item if you need to.

Bar code

Enter the Bar code of the stock item.

You can print bar code labels for your stock items, using Stock Control > Reports > Catalogue > Stock Barcode Labels in the Sage 200 desktop.

Bar codes are printed in Code 39 format. If you use a different format, you can change this using Report Designer.

Label printing options

Select how you want to print order labels for this stock item:

  • Label not required (default).

  • Label required per item.

  • Label required per batch.