Change a stock item's status to active or inactive

How to

Make a stock item active or inactive (on hold)

Open: Stock Control > Stock Records > Amend Stock Item.

  1. Select the Stock item.
  2. Use the Current status to make the stock item active or inactive (on hold).

    • Active stock items are available on your stock item lists, so they can be included on stock movements, sales invoices, sales orders and purchase orders.

    • Inactive stock items aren't available on your stock item lists, so they can't be included on sales invoices, sales orders or purchase orders. If you have items that you don't sell any more or stop selling temporarily, it's a good idea to set them as inactive so that they aren't added to invoices or orders by mistake.

  3. Select Save.

The Inactivation date shows when the item was made inactive, and this date can be amended.

This date is used for reporting purposes only. The item will not be made Inactive on this date.

Tip: If you can't find an item in a stock list, it's a good idea to check its status. Remember, if you save a stock item without a location, Sage 200 makes it Inactive automatically.

Useful info

Why can't I make a stock item inactive?

You cannot make a stock item Inactive when the item is:

  • On a Live purchase order or purchase return.
  • On a Live sales order or sales return.
  • Allocated.
  • On an BOM with the status Active, Retired, or Obsolete.

  • A cross-selling item for another stock item.

What happens when a stock item is inactive?

When the item's status is Inactive, you cannot:

  • Sell the stock item using Sales Order Processing (in the Sage 200 desktop).
  • Buy the stock item using Purchase Order Processing (in the Sage 200 desktop).
  • Transfer the stock item using Stock Control.
  • Write off the stock item using Stock Control (in the Sage 200 desktop).

Note: Inactive stock items are still included in the Stock Valuation report (in the Sage 200 desktop) and are available for stocktake.