Cross-selling stock items

Find this screen

Open: Stock Control > Stock Records > New Stock Item

Open: Stock Control > Stock Records > Amend Stock Item

  • Use the Cross-selling tab to set up related items that you can cross-sell with this stock item.

    Note: The Cross-selling tab is not displayed for a phantom item assembled using a bill of materials (BOM).

How to

Set up cross-selling lists for stock items

To add cross-selling items for a stock item:

Open: Stock Control > Stock records > Amend Stock Item.

  1. Select the stock item and move to the Cross-selling tab.
  2. Select Add.
  3. Select the stock item to add to the cross-selling list.

    If you can't see a stock item, its status may be Inactive, or it may not be set to Allow sales orders and invoices.

Enable cross-selling

Enable cross-selling when you're ready to start adding cross-selling items in sales orders and quotations.

Tip: You might want to set up all your cross-selling items first, before you enable cross-selling.

To enable cross-selling in the Sage 200 desktop:

Open: Sales Order Processing > SOP Utilities > System Set Up > SOP Settings.

  1. Move to the Sales Assistance tab.
  2. Select Allow users to select items for cross-selling.

Once you've enabled Allow users to select items for cross-selling, you will be able to add cross-selling items to orders and quotations. When you enter an order or quotations, select the Cross-selling items button Cross-selling items button (in the Cross-sell column).

Add a cross-selling item to a sales order or quotation

The steps here are for a sales order, but you can add cross-selling items to quotations in the same way.

Open: Sales Order Processing > Sales Orders > New Sales Order

  • Select the Order Details tab.

When you add a standard item to the order, you can add any cross-selling items for that item.

  1. Add a Standard item to the order.

    Note: You can only add cross-selling items to standard items; not free text items, additional charges, or comment lines.

  2. Select Cross-selling items button Cross-selling items (in the Cross-sell column).

    • If the Cross-selling items button Cross-selling items button is not visible for an item (but there is a Cross sell column), there are no cross-selling items for that stock item.

    • If the Cross-sell column isn't visible, then you have not enabled Allow users to select items for cross-selling in SOP settings (in the Sage 200 desktop).

  3. To add a cross-selling item:

    1. Enter a Quantity for the item.

      If you don't want to include the item, just leave the quantity as zero.

    2. Select a Warehouse, if it is blank.

      You can change the warehouse if required.

    3. The selling unit, price and discount information are displayed once you enter the quantity and warehouse.

      • To amend the price or discount, you must have Override prices and discounts on invoices and order lines set in your User Permissions (in the Sage 200 desktop).

      • You can change the selling units if you are adding a stock item sold in trade units.

    4. Select Add to Order to add the cross-selling items.

For more information on adding items to a sales order or quotation, see Enter the sales order details or Enter the quotation details.

View cross-selling items

You can check which cross-selling items have been added for a stock item.

To view cross-selling items:

Open: Stock Control > Enquiries > View Stock Item.

  • Select the stock item, and select the Cross-selling tab.

Report on cross-selling items

You can use reports to check your cross-selling items in the Sage 200 desktop.

Open: Stock Control > Reports > Catalogue.

  • Stock Items with Cross-selling Items.

    Use this report to view stock items that have associated cross-selling items. The report lists individual stock items with their cross-selling items.

  • Cross-selling Items.

    Use this report to view stock items that are cross-selling items. The report lists stock items which are cross-selling items, and the stock items they are associated with.

Import cross-selling items

If you have a lot of cross-selling items to set up, you might find it quicker to use an import file in the Sage 200 desktop.

Open: Stock Control > Utilities > Import and Export > Import Stock File

Useful info

About cross-selling

You can use cross-selling items to help speed up entering a sales order or quotation. Cross-selling items are complimentary items which are often sold together with another stock item. For example, if you sell a printer, you might want to show print cartridges or cables for that printer.

Set up cross-selling items if you want to display and add these items when you enter a sales order or quotation.

  • To set up cross-selling items for a stock item, amend the stock item and use the Cross-selling tab.

  • Once you've finished setting up all your cross-selling items for your stock items, enable the option to Allow users to select items for cross-selling (in the Sage 200 desktop).

  • When you add a standard stock item to a sales order or quotation, you will be able to add cross-selling items. Select the Cross-selling items button Cross-selling items button (in the Cross-sell column).