Enter the quotation details

Find this screen

Open: Sales Order Processing > Quotations > New Quotation

Open: Sales Order Processing > Quotations > Amend Quotation

  • Select the Quotation Details tab.

How to

Add a standard stock item

To add a standard stock item:

  1. Select Standard as the Type.

    Note: If you can't select a standard item, that's because it hasn't been set as allowed on the Invoice and Order Entry tab in SOP settings (in the Sage 200 desktop).

    Tip: You can also select Find item to search for a stock item using search categories (if you have set these up). See Find stock items using search categories.

  2. Select the stock Item.

  3. Enter the Quantity of the item.

  4. Select the Warehouse from which the item is to be sold, if you are using multiple locations.

    • You do not select a warehouse for Invoice and order items.

    • This will be set to your default warehouse, if you have set a default Full order entry warehouse in your User Permissions (in the Sage 200 desktop).

  5. Check the Unit price.

    Note: To amend the price, you must have Override prices and discounts on invoices and order lines set in your User Permissions (in the Sage 200 desktop).

  6. Check the Discount percentage.

    To amend the discount, you must have Override prices and discounts on invoices and order lines set in your User Permissions (in the Sage 200 desktop).

  7. Check the VAT rate and amend it if required.

    The appropriate VAT rate for the combination of customer and item is displayed.

You can enter additional details for the standard item, such as discounts, fulfilment method, delivery dates, and the nominal account for revenue.

  • To view and enter more details, select More Actions menu button More actions > More details.

See Add standard items (goods and services) to the quotation.

Add a free text item

Add free text items to include things that are not set up as stock items in Stock Control, and are not Invoice and order items. You can use free text items for anything that requires a value on the quotation.

  1. Select Free text as the Type.

    Note: If you can't select a free text item, that's because it hasn't been set as allowed on the Invoice and Order Entry tab in SOP settings (in the Sage 200 desktop).

  2. Enter a Description for the item.

  3. Enter the Quantity of the item to order.

  4. Enter the Unit price.

  5. Check the Discount percentage.

    To amend the discount, you must have Override prices and discounts on invoice and order lines set in your User Permissions (in the Sage 200 desktop).

  6. Check the VAT rate and amend it if required.

    The appropriate VAT rate for the customer is displayed.

You can enter additional details for the free text item, such as discounts, delivery dates, and the nominal account for revenue.

  • To view and enter more details, select More Actions menu button More actions > More details.

See Add goods and services to the quotation (free text items).

Add an additional charge

Additional charges are for any extra costs you need to add, such as carriage or insurance.

  1. Go to the Quotation Details tab.

  2. Add a line to the quotation and select Charge as the Type.

  3. Select an existing charge that you've set up, or enter a new charge.

    • To add an existing charge, select the additional charge from the Item list.
    • To enter your own charge, leave the Item blank and enter a Description of the charge.
  4. Check the Unit price of the charge, and enter a value if you've entered your own charge.

  5. Check the VAT rate and amend it if required.

    The appropriate VAT rate for the customer is displayed.

  6. You can enter additional details for the additional charge, such as the net cost, and the nominal account for revenue.

    • To view and enter more details, select More Actions menu button More actions > More details.

See Add an additional charge to the quotation.

Add a comment

You can add comments as lines on the quotation, for example to include packing or delivery instructions.

  1. Go to the Quotation Details tab.

  2. Add a line to the quotation and select Comment as the Type.

  3. Enter the comment you want to include in the Description.

  4. You can choose whether to display the comment on customer documents and picking lists.

    1. Select More Actions menu button More actions > More details.

    2. Amend the comment in the Item description, if required.

    3. Select Show on customer documents if you want the comment to appear on the order acknowledgement and invoice that your customer receives.

    4. Select Show on picking list if you want the comment to appear on any picking lists printed for the order.

      Note: Picking Lists are most frequently used by warehouse staff, but you might also use them as customer documents.

See Add a comment to the quotation.

Delete or move items

  • To delete an item from the quotation, select Delete button Delete.

  • To change the order of items in the quotation, select the move Move buton button and drag the item to a new position.

Change the exchange rate

If the quotation is for a customer using a foreign currency, check the exchange rate and select Change Rate if you need to amend it.

  • The Currency is set in the customer's account.

  • The default exchange rate is set in Currencies and Exchange Rates in the Sage 200 desktop. You can change the exchange rate as long as it is set as Amendable - All in Currencies and Exchange Rates.

Enter picking list or despatch note comments

You can enter document comments to include on picking lists or despatch notes.

  • To enter document comments for an item, select More Actions menu button More actions > Set picking list / despatch note.

  • Enter the comment to use on the Picking List or the Despatch Note.

View discounts

  • To view or change the discount values for individual items in the quotation, select More Actions menu button More actions > More details.

    Note: To manually enter a discount, you must have Override prices and discounts on invoice and order lines set in your User Permissions (in the Sage 200 desktop).

  • To view the total discount value for an quotation, check the Quotation discount in Subtotals.

  • To view more details about how a discount was calculated for an item, select More Actions menu button More actions > Discounts for the item.

    Note: To view the discount details, you must have View discount calculations on invoice and order lines set in your User Permissions (in the Sage 200 desktop).

    Use this to check where which discount has been applied to the item, for example:

    • A customer account discount, which is the Line discount on the customer account Pricing tab.

    • A stock item discount, set using Discounts for Stock Item in the Sage 200 desktop.

    • A product group discount for the stock item's product group, set using Discounts for Product Group in the Sage 200 desktop.

    • A manually entered unit discount, where someone has adjusted the discount.

    Note: If you see the message "Some details aren't available for orders created in older versions of Sage 200", this means the additional details about the source of the discount were not saved with the quotation, because this wasn't supported in older versions of Sage 200.

Set analysis codes

To view or change the analysis codes for an item, select More Actions menu button More actions > Analysis codes.

  • Select the required Value for the analysis code.

    Note: To amend an analysis code, you must have selected Allow amendment of - Analysis codes in the Invoice and Order Entry tab of SOP settings.

See Enter analysis codes (quotations).

View profit

You can view the estimated and realised profit level for individual items, or for the whole order or quotation.

Note: To view profit, you must have View profit values on invoices and orders set in your User Permissions (in the Sage 200 desktop).

  • To view profit for the whole quotation, select the Quotation Details tab, then select Show Quotation Profit.

  • To view the profit for an item in a quotation, select the Quotation Details tab, then select More Actions menu button More actions > Profit on the item line.

    The profit can be calculated as either a percentage of revenue or a percentage of cost, which is set in the Stock Control Settings - Options tab (in the Sage 200 desktop).

    Note: Profitability is calculated on a line-by-line basis. For this reason, profitability figures reflect line discounts, but not order or invoice discounts.

All values are displayed in the order's currency.

See Profit on sales orders and quotations.

Add suggested items for a customer

You can use Suggested Items to add stock items that the customer might be interested in buying.

You can view and add frequently ordered items, recently ordered items, and preferred items for this customer.

  • Select Suggested Items to see the customer's preferred items, and items that they've frequently or regularly ordered.

    Note: Suggested Items will only be available if you've enabled suggested items in SOP settings (in the Sage 200 desktop).

See Suggested items for customers.

Add alternative items for a stock item

If the stock item has alternatives associated with it, you can swap the item for one of its listed alternatives. For example, you might want to do this if a particular item was out of stock.

  1. Select Alternative items button Alternative items (in the Alt column) for a Standard item.

    • You can only select alternative items for standard items; not free text items, additional charges, or comment lines.

    • If the Alternative items button Alternative items button is not visible for an item, there are no alternative items for that stock item.

  2. Add one or more items from the list of alternatives:

    1. Enter a Quantity for the item.

      If you don't want to include the item, just leave the quantity as zero.

    2. Select a Warehouse, if it is blank.

      You can change the warehouse if required.

    3. The selling unit, price and discount information are displayed once you enter the quantity and warehouse.

      • To amend the price or discount, you must have Override prices and discounts on invoices and order lines set in your User Permissions (in the Sage 200 desktop).

      • You can change the selling units if you are adding a stock item sold in trade units.

    4. Select Add to Quotation to add the alternative items.

    5. Choose whether to replace the original item with the alternative items, or keep both the original item and alternative items on the quotation.

To set up alternative items, see Alternative stock items (stock item).

Add cross-selling items for a stock item

Cross-selling items are complimentary items that you can add for standard items in the quotation. For example, if you sell a printer, you might want to show print cartridges or cables for that printer. For more information, see Cross-selling stock items.

When you add a standard item to the quotation, you can add any cross-selling items for that item.

  1. Add a Standard item to the quotation.

    Note: You can only add cross-selling items to standard items; not free text items, additional charges, or comment lines.

  2. Select Cross-selling items button Cross-selling items (in the Cross-sell column).

    • If the Cross-selling items button Cross-selling items button is not visible for an item (but there is a Cross sell column), there are no cross-selling items for that stock item.

    • If the Cross-sell column isn't visible, then you have not enabled Allow users to select items for cross-selling in SOP settings (in the Sage 200 desktop).

  3. To add a cross-selling item:

    1. Enter a Quantity for the item.

      If you don't want to include the item, just leave the quantity as zero.

    2. Select a Warehouse, if it is blank.

      You can change the warehouse if required.

    3. The selling unit, price and discount information are displayed once you enter the quantity and warehouse.

      • To amend the price or discount, you must have Override prices and discounts on invoices and order lines set in your User Permissions (in the Sage 200 desktop).

      • You can change the selling units if you are adding a stock item sold in trade units.

    4. Select Add to Quotation to add the cross-selling items.

To set up cross-selling items, see Cross-selling stock items.