Add standard items (goods and services) to the quotation

Add standard items

Open: Sales Order Processing > Quotations > New Quotation

Open: Sales Order Processing > Quotations > Amend Quotation

  1. Go to the Quotation Details tab.

  2. Add a line to the quotation and select Standard as the Type.

    Note: If you can't select a standard item, that's because it hasn't been set as allowed on the Invoice and Order Entry tab in SOP settings (in the Sage 200 desktop).

    Tip: You can also select Find item to search for a stock item using search categories (if you have set these up). See Find stock items using search categories.

  3. Select the stock Item.

  4. Enter the basic details, such as the quantity and warehouse.

  5. To enter more details for the standard item, select More Actions menu button More actions > More details.

Product item

  • Code: The standard item's Code and name.

  • Warehouse: Select the warehouse from which the item is to be sold, if you are using multiple locations.

    Note: This does not apply to an invoice and order item.

  • Fulfilment: Shows the default Stock Order Fulfilment method set for the stock item.

    Note: This does not apply to an invoice and order item, or an item with a product type of Service/Labour or Miscellaneous.

    You can change this here if you have Override default stock fulfilment method on order lines set in your User Permissions (in the Sage 200 desktop).

    The Fulfilment methods available are:

    • From Stock: This is the most commonly used type of processing, where a sales order is allocated and despatched from the free stock you hold.

    • From Supplier Via Stock: This is used for back-to-back sales order processing. This generates a purchase order directly from your sales orders if required.

    • Direct To Customer: Stock is delivered direct to the sales order delivery address, rather than your warehouse. When generating a purchase order, the delivery on the printed order will be the address of the customer. This allows the purchase order to have many delivery addresses.

  • Amend item line description: To change the item's description, select Amend item line description and update the Item description as required.

Items values

  • Quantity: Enter the quantity of the item for the quotation.

    Note: The quantity will be modified if it is not an allowed amount (according to the unit's precision setting).

  • Selling unit, Selling price unit: The units that the item is sold by, such as a box, crate or bottle.

    • You can only change the selling units for stock items that are sold in trade units. The selling units are usually a multiple of the Stock item unit

    • You can enter a Selling price unit if you are adding an invoice and order item, or an item with a product type of Service/Labour or Miscellaneous.

  • Unit price: Check and amend the Unit price if required.

    Note: To change the unit price, you must have Override prices and discounts on invoices and order line set in your User Permissions.

  • Unit Cost: Check the Unit Cost, and change if applicable.

    Note: To change the unit cost, you must have Override stock item unit cost price on invoice and order lines set in your User Permissions (in the Sage 200 desktop).

    • For a stock item using the Standard costing method, the default unit cost will be the standard cost price of the stock item, and can't be changed.

    • For a stock item using the Average costing method, the default unit cost will be the average cost price of the stock item, and can't be changed.

    • For a stock item using the FIFOor Actual costing method, the default unit cost will be the average cost price of the stock item, and can be changed.

    This allows you to control the way that you calculate your sales profit.

  • Unit discount %, Unit discount: Enter or amend the discounts for the item.

    Note: To change the discounts, you must have Override prices and discounts on invoices and order lines set in your User Permissions (in the Sage 200 desktop).

    The unit discount can be applied from the customer account (set by the Line discount in the customer account Pricing tab), or from the stock item discount or product group discount (set in the Price Book in the Sage 200 desktop).

    To view more details about how a discount was calculated for an item, select More Actions menu button More actions > Discounts for the item on the Quotation Details tab.

VAT rate

The appropriate VAT rate for the combination of customer and item is displayed.

Check and amend the displayed VAT rate if required.

If you have chosen Use VAT code as Invoice and Order default in the customer account Trading details tab, the VAT rate displayed is the one set on that customer's account, instead of using the VAT rate set for the stock item.

If you select a stock item that uses Reverse Charge VAT rules, the reverse charge VAT rules will be applied to the invoice when it is printed.

Delivery dates

Enter the delivery dates Requested by the customer, and the Promised delivery date that you've confirmed.

Nominal code

This is the Revenue nominal account used to post the value of the item.

The default nominal account is taken from the stock item or customer account, depending on your setting in the Default Accounts tab of SOP settings in the Sage 200 desktop.

Check the Revenue nominal account displayed, and select a different account if required.

Note: You can only amend the nominal account if you have selected to Allow amendment of - Nominal codes in the Invoice and Order Entry tab of SOP settings in the Sage 200 desktop.

Useful info

About standard items

Standard items are stock items that you've set up in Stock Control, or are Invoice and order items that you've set up in the Sales Orders module. An Invoice and order item is an item that you regularly add to sales orders or invoices, but isn't set up as an item in Stock Control, and you don't want to record the stock level or value.

Note: If you are using Invoice and order items, some options are not applicable.

  • Stock Allocation.

    Stock items are not allocated to a quotation until it is converted to a sales order. Therefore no checks are made when adding stock items, to determine whether there is enough stock available.

  • Order line discounts.

    An order line may have a discount applied if:

    • A Line discount is specified on the customer account Pricing tab.
    • A discount is specified in the Price Book (in the Sage 200 desktop).

    Discounts are applied in the following order:

    1. A surcharge if applicable.
    2. A special price if applicable (set up in Discounts for Stock Item in the Price Book in the Sage 200 desktop).
    3. The best discount on offer, after comparing the customer line discount and the discount in the Price Book.

    When the order is confirmed, if the order discount (the Invoice discount on the customer account Pricing tab) is applicable, it is compared to the Price Book discount. If the Price Book discount is more than the order discount (Invoice discount), you can choose which one to apply.