Confirm the quotation

You may be asked to confirm the quotation whenever you Save a new quotation or amend an quotation.

You'll only be asked to confirm the quotation if you have selected Show the order number when order confirmed in the SOP settings (in the Sage 200 desktop).

Open: Sales Order Processing > Quotations > New Quotation

Open: Sales Order Processing > Quotations > Amend Quotation

  1. After you create or amend the quotation, save the quotation.

    • To save your quotation, select Save.

  2. The quotation confirmation is displayed, and shows the totals and discounts.

    Note: If you're entering a new quotation, the Quotation no will be displayed after you save the quotation.

  3. Enter the Customer order no, if you haven't already entered this in the quotation details.

    This can be a reference that the customer gives you, such as their name, or their own order number.

  4. To confirm the quotation, select Save.