Choose suppliers for a stock item

Find this screen

Open: Stock Control > Stock Records > New Stock Item

Open: Stock Control > Stock Records > Amend Stock Item

  • Use the Suppliers tab to enter details of all suppliers of the stock item.

    Note: The Suppliers tab is not displayed for a phantom item assembled using a bill of materials (BOM).

Open: Stock Control > Stock Records > Stock Item Suppliers

How to

Choose a supplier for a stock item

  1. To add a new supplier, select Add New.

  2. Select the Supplier.
  3. Enter the Supply details.

    • Supplier stock code: This is the stock code used by this supplier. If you enter a supplier stock code, this will be used on printed purchase orders for this supplier instead of the stock item's Code and / or Part No.

    • Lead time: The lead time is the number of days between placing an order for stock and its delivery.

    • Usual order quantity: The usual amount you order from this supplier. This must be greater then or equal to the minimum order quantity.

    • Minimum order quantity: This is the smallest amount required when placing an order. This is just for information and doesn't stop you entering orders for fewer items. The minimum order quantity is used when generating reports.

  4. Enter the Supplier pricing details. This determines which price is used on purchase orders by default. This can be a price you've agreed with the supplier, or the last price paid for the item.

    • Supplier list price: Enter the supplier's price for the item. This price is always used if the Price source is set to List price.

    • List price expiry: If the price agreed with the supplier is only for a set period, then enter an expiry date. Once this date has passed, the list price will be highlighted on orders as a reminder that it has expired. You can still save the order though.

    • Price Source: Select the price you want to display on the purchase order, when ordering the item from this supplier.

      • List price: Use the Supplier list price you've entered here.

      • Last buying price: Use the last price you paid for this item when bought from this supplier.

  5. Enter the Landed Costs, if required.

    • Select the whether to use Value based or Percentage based landed costs for this item when ordering from this supplier.

    • If you choose Value based landed costs, make sure the value is entered in the same currency as the supplier's account.

    Note: You can only enter landed costs if you've select Use landed costs for this stock item's product group.

  6. If you produce Intrastat reports, select the Country of origin where this stock item is produced.
  7. Select OK to add the supplier to the stock item.

Set a preferred supplier

If you have multiple suppliers, set the preferred supplier for this stock item that will be used as default.

  • To set the item's preferred supplier, select the Preferred column for that supplier.

View order history

  • The suppliers list displays summary information about orders of this stock item from the supplier:

    • Lead Time: The expected number of days between placing an order for the stock and its delivery.

    • Invoiced YTD: The total value of items recorded as received from this supplier for the current year (year to date).

    • Currently on Order: The total quantity of items currently ordered from this supplier but not yet received.

  • To view a more detailed order history, select a supplier then select Amend (or View).

    The Order history shows a summary of the quantity and value ordered this year, the quantity and price of the last order, and the quantity currently on order.

Remove a supplier

  • To remove a supplier, select Delete button Delete in the suppliers list.

You cannot remove a supplier from an item if there are outstanding (incomplete) orders for that supplier.

Useful info

About stock item suppliers

If you have a usual supplier for a stock item, you can link the supplier to the item. The supplier details are used when creating purchase orders.

Assigning suppliers to your stock items lets you:

  • Create purchase orders to directly fulfil a sales order (back to back orders) in the Sage 200 desktop.
  • Set Re-order levels. This allows you to use Generate Orders (in the Sage 200 desktop) to automatically create purchase orders when the stock level is below the re-order level.
  • Use the Suppliers stock code on printed purchase orders rather than the item code. This overrides the Code and / or Part No, and is printed on purchase orders for this supplier.

  • See a detailed Order History for the item.
  • Specify a List price and choose the price to use when the item is bought from the supplier. Once set, this price overrides the cost price on the item.

    You do this by setting the Price Source. This can be a List price or the last price you paid (Last buying Price).

  • Specify the landed costs to use when the item is bought from this supplier. This overrides the default landed costs entered on the stock item.

  • Choose the Country of Origin of the item for your Intrastat declaration.