Comments (stock item)

Find this screen

Open: Stock Control > Stock Records > New Stock Item

Open: Stock Control > Stock Records > Amend Stock Item

  • Use the Comments tab to add any comments about the stock item to display on picking lists or despatch notes.

Add a comment for picking lists

Picking lists are used to assemble customer orders ready for despatch. The picking list shows the location (warehouse and bin) that a stock item is stored and can be used by your staff to collect stock for despatch. Everything on an order is included on the picking list, even service and free text items.

When you print a picking list (in the Sage 200 desktop), a comment can be included under the item's code on the picking list.

  • Select Default comment for picking list and enter the comment to include for this stock item.
  • You can change the comment at any time. The new comment is only used the next time you add the item to an order, and existing orders are not affected.

Note: You can still remove or amend this comment when this item is added to an order line (if you have the appropriate permissions).

Add a comment for despatch notes

When you print a despatch note (in the Sage 200 desktop), a comment can be included under the item's code on the despatch note.

  • Select Default comment for despatch note and enter the comment to include for this stock item.
  • You can change the comment at any time. The new comment is only used the next time you add the item to an order, and existing orders are not affected.

Note: You can still remove or amend this comment when this item is added to an order line (if you have the appropriate permissions).