Printing options (SOP settings / Invoice and order settings)

Unless specified, these settings apply to both Invoicing and SOP.

Find this screen

Open: Sales Order Processing > SOP Utilities > System Set Up > SOP Settings | Document Printing and Invoice Printing

Open: Invoicing > Invoicing Utilities > System Set Up > Invoicing Settings | Document Printing and Invoice Printing

Document printing

Open: Sales Order Processing > SOP Utilities > System Set Up > SOP Settings | Document Printing

Open: Invoicing > Invoicing Utilities > System Set Up > Invoicing Settings | Document Printing

Choose which documents are printed (sales orders only)

Choose the options that relate to the processes your organisation would normally go through when raising and despatching orders. For example, do you need picking lists for each order? Do you need to supply a despatch note with the goods? Does your customer want a copy of the picking list so that they can see what has yet to be sent?

Be aware that if each type of document has to be printed before the order can be processed. For example, if you choose to print order acknowledgements, these must be printed for every order before goods can be despatched.

You can turn these settings on and off as required.

  • Print picking lists for orders.

    This turns on picking lists printing.

    • If you want the picking lists to print automatically when an order is saved, select Automatically print picking list as part of order entry allocation. You must also choose to Allocate stock on order entry on the Processing tab.
    • To print a picking list as required, select Manually print picking lists. You must then choose to print picking lists using the Print Picking Lists option on the menu.
  • Print order acknowledgements for orders.

    Once selected an acknowledgement must be printed for all orders before orders can be processed. These are not printed automatically.

  • Print despatch notes when order despatch is confirmed.

    Select this to print physical copies of despatch notes to send out with the goods. Once selected these are printed automatically, as part of the despatch process.

    When goods are despatched, a despatch record is always created. If you don't want to print physical despatch notes, then clear this option.

Amend exchange rates on invoices and credits (sales orders only)

When there's a significant amount of time between entering an order and creating the invoice, it's possible that the exchange rate may have changed. Here you can choose whether to use the exchange rate set at the time the invoice is printed or the rate from when the order was entered.

  • To always use always the exchange rate set in Sage 200 at the time the invoice is printed, select Use exchange rates when printing invoices and credit notes from Sales Orders.

    Selecting this also adds an exchange rate to the Print invoices screen, so you can see what the current exchange rate is.

    If you want to be able to edit the exchange rates when printing, select Edit exchange rates when printing invoices and credit notes from Sales Orders.

  • To always use the exchange rate set at the time the order was entered, clear this option.

Print batch and serial numbers (sales orders only)

Batch and serial numbers can be printed on order acknowledgements, picking lists, despatch notes and invoices.

Choose the appropriate option:

  • Print numbers on order acknowledgements.

    Note: To print batch/serial numbers on picking lists and order acknowledgements, you must have chosen to record batch and serial numbers when allocating stock. In Stock Control Settings, select Numbers must be recorded when goods are received and Numbers selected when allocating stock.

  • Print numbers on despatch notes.
  • Print numbers on invoices.

Show unallocated and undespatched lines (sales orders only)

Choose the appropriate option:

  • Show Unallocated Items on Picking List.
  • Show Undespatched / Unallocated Items on Despatch Note.

Invoice printing

Open: Sales Order Processing > SOP Utilities > System Set Up > SOP Settings | Invoice Printing

Open: Invoicing > Invoicing Utilities > System Set Up > Invoicing Settings | Invoice Printing

Additional text on invoices

Invoice printing

  • Print the following text on invoices that have been paid in full.

    Invoices associated with fully paid orders are printed with the text This invoice has been fully paid. Enter alternative text here if required.

  • Print the following text on invoices associated with Online Card Providers

    Print the following text on invoices associated with Sage Pay

    This text is displayed on invoices that can be paid by Opayo, next to the Pay Now button.

    Note - information

    Opayo is the new name for Sage Pay. If you're using Sage 200 Professional versions up to 2020 R1, where you see references to "Sage Pay" in the app, these are referring to the Opayo payment service.

  • Print the following text on invoices associated with Sage Invoice Payments

    This text is displayed on invoices that can be paid by Sage Invoice Payments, next to the Pay Now button.

    Note: Alternative text is displayed on invoices for customers that have chosen to pay invoices by Direct Debit using GoCardless.

  • Print the following text on invoices associated with GoCardless

    This text is displayed on invoices for customers that have chosen to pay their invoices by Direct Debit using GoCardless.

  • Print the following text on invoice lines for EU zero rated sales.

    HMRC rules require that text is included on invoices that involve zero-rated intra EU sales. In order to comply with these rules, you can select one of the following lines of text to apply to sales orders that qualify as a EU zero-rated sale:

    • Zero Rated Intra EC Supply.
    • This is an Intra Community Supply.
    • Intra Community supply subject to VAT in the country of acquisition.

    For more information about EU zero rated sales, please see the details on the HMRC website: HRMC ( (opens in a new tab).

Domestic reverse charge (mobiles)

This applies to using domestic reverse charge VAT rates, to prevent carousel fraud.

If you use these reverse charge VAT rates on your invoices:

  1. Select Apply domestic reverse charge VAT rules when printing invoice. This makes sure the appropriate processing is applied when printing the invoices.

    Note: You only need to select this if you use the domestic reverse charge for carousel fraud, it isn't required for using the CIS reverse charge.

  2. Select one of the approved messages to print on the invoices from Print the following text on invoice/credit note when reverse charge is applied. The HMRC recommends that this text is included on invoices that are eligible for reverse charge VAT.

    • VAT Act 1994 Section 55A applies.
    • s55A VATA 94 applies.
    • Customer to account for the VAT to HMRC.
    • Reverse charge supply - customer to pay the VAT to HMRC.
    • Customer to pay VAT to HMRC.
    • UK customer to pay VAT to HMRC.

Note: To apply the same rules to credit notes, you must specifically select the reverse charge VAT rate on the sales return line.

For more information, see Domestic reverse charge VAT rates for preventing carousel fraud in the UK.

Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) reverse charge (UK only)

If you use CIS reverse charge VAT rates on your invoices or credit notes, then a message will be added to the footer of the document.

The messages are approved by HMRC, who recommend that one of these messages is included on invoices and credit notes that are eligible for CIS reverse charge VAT.

Note: CIS is only applicable for companies in the UK, and not Ireland.

Select one of the approved messages to use for invoices and for credit notes:

  1. Select the message to use on invoices from Print the following text on invoices when CIS reverse charge is applied.

    • VAT Act 1994 Section 55A applies.
    • s55A VATA 94 applies.
    • Customer to pay the VAT to HMRC.
  2. Select the message to use on credit notes from Print the following text on credit notes when CIS reverse charge is applied.

    • Customer to account to HMRC for the adjustment to reverse charge output tax on the VAT exclusive price of items marked reverse charge.
    • Customer to account for the output tax adjustment of -£X to HMRC.
    • UK customer to account for the output tax adjustment of -£X to HMRC.

    Note: Messages containing -£X will display the actual VAT value for the credit note.

For more information, see Reverse charge VAT rates for the CIS (UK only).

Note - information

Sage is providing this article for organisations to use for general guidance. Sage works hard to ensure the information is correct at the time of publication and strives to keep all supplied information up-to-date and accurate, but makes no representations or warranties of any kind—express or implied—about the ongoing accuracy, reliability, suitability, or completeness of the information provided.

The information contained within this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. Sage assumes no responsibility for any action taken on the basis of the article. Any reliance you place on the information contained within the article is at your own risk. In using the article, you agree that Sage is not liable for any loss or damage whatsoever, including without limitation, any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental loss or damage, arising out of, or in connection with, the use of this information.