Operation times (WOP settings)
If you use the Operation Times module, you can set up the way it works here.
To enter operation times settings
Open: Works Orders > Utilities > System Set Up > Works Order Settings | Operation Times.
Enter the following settings:
Select this if you want to generate postings to update the Nominal Ledger in addition to the works order. Postings are made to the holding area (the waiting postings file) and you can review the postings there before posting them to the Nominal Ledger and the works order.
Clear the check box if do not want to generate postings to the Nominal Ledger. Postings are then only made to the works order and these postings are made to the works order directly from the shop floor.
Note: If you are using barcode scanners, only clear the Use Batch Updates check box if you do not integrate your Stock Control with the Nominal Ledger.
Select this to record job details after the job is completed.
Clear this check box to record information in real time. In this case, you log on and tell the computer you are starting the job. When you finish the job, you log on and tell the computer you have finished working on the job.
We recommend that you clear the check box and use online processing.
This is only available if you have cleared the Retrospective Posting check box.
Select this to prompt workers to confirm the time calculated by the computer when they log off an operation.
Clear the check box to ensure that employees cannot change the times calculated by the system.
Select this to prevent employees from working on many jobs at once. This can affect the accuracy of job times and costs.
Clear the check box to let employees log onto and work on multiple jobs at the same time.
Select this to be able to choose different companies when you run Operation Times.
Select the sound files that you want to use for accepted and rejected transactions.
Note: We recommend that you only assign a sound file for a rejected transaction. This ensures that you are prompted to problems as soon as they arise.