Amend sales order lines
You cannot amend order lines that:
- Have been fully despatched and part invoiced.
- Have been fully invoiced.
You cannot delete order lines that:
- Have been part or fully despatched.
- Have been part or fully invoiced.
When you amend order lines:
- You can change existing order lines depending on how far the order has been processed and invoiced. If the order line is:
Not invoiced and not despatched.
You can amend any aspect of the line.
Not invoiced but part despatched.
You can amend:
- The order quantity that has not yet been despatched.
- The unit price, if you have the appropriate user permissions.
- The selling price, if the item uses multiple selling price units.
- The line discount, if you have the appropriate user permissions.
- The VAT code.
- The analysis codes, if you have chosen to allow the amendment of analysis codes in the Invoice and Order Entry tab of SOP Settings.
- The nominal account, if you have chosen to allow the amendment of nominal codes in the Invoice and Order Entry tab of SOP Settings.
- For free text items, you can amend the unit cost.
Not invoiced but fully despatched.
You can amend:
- The unit price, if you have the appropriate user permissions.
- The selling price, if the item uses multiple selling price units.
- The line discount, if you have the appropriate user permissions.
- The VAT code.
- The analysis codes, if you have chosen to allow the amendment of analysis codes in the Invoice and Order Entry tab of SOP Settings.
- The nominal account, if you have chosen to allow the amendment of nominal codes in the Invoice and Order Entry tab of SOP Settings.
- For free text items, you can amend the unit cost.
Part invoiced and part despatched.
You can amend:
- The order quantity that has not yet been despatched.
- The analysis codes, if you have chosen to allow the amendment of analysis codes in the Invoice and Order Entry tab of SOP Settings.
- The delivery dates.
Stock allocation.
If your stock is allocated during order entry and you:
Increase the order line quantity.
The stock is allocated as long as there is enough free stock at the warehouse. This is the same as when creating an order.
Reduce the order line quantity/removing an order line.
The stock allocation is adjusted accordingly.
Change the warehouse.
If you change the warehouse on the order line, the previous allocation is removed. The stock is allocated from the new warehouse as long as there is enough available free stock.
Traceable items.
If you change the order quantity and you assign batch/serial numbers when allocating stock, you must confirm or amend the batch/serial numbers assigned for the revised quantity.
Stock fulfilment.
If you use the following fulfilment methods:
Direct To Customer
You can amend the order until the purchase order is generated. Once the purchase order is generated, the sales order cannot be cancelled.
From Supplier Via Stock
You cannot increase the order quantity, (however, you can reduce the quantity, if required).
If you delete a sales order line linked to a purchase order line, the purchased quantity is no longer assigned to the sales order and is marked for stock.
To amend goods, service and costs
- Select the Order Details tab.
To add items to the order, click Add Item.
To amend an item, select from the displayed items and click Edit Item.
You can add or amend:
- Standard items.
- Free text items.
- Additional charges.
- Comments.
- To delete an item, select the item and click Delete.
To store the amended details, click Save.
To save your sales order and immediately generate any purchase orders attached to this order, click Save and Generate PO. Only those purchase order items that have not yet had their order generated are processed.
Note:- If you change an order line in Sales Order's Amend Orders window, when you Save and Generate PO, the changed sales order item is transferred to the purchase order.
- If you Save and Generate PO, after an order is added to the Generate Order list, no purchase is created. You must remove the item from the list before you can save and generate the purchase order.
- To remove goods or services from the order, select the item and click Delete Item. If your system is set up to save cancelled orders, confirm the need to store the removed order line when prompted.
Steps in this task
Add goods and services to the sales order (standard items)
Add goods and services to the sales order (free text items)
Add an additional charge to the sales order
Add a comment to sales orders and returns
Invoice and order user permissions
Units of measure (product group)
Invoice and order entry (SOP settings / Invoice and order settings)