Print picking lists
You can only print picking lists if you have selected Print picking lists for orders in the SOP settings Document Printing tab.
There are two types of picking lists available.
A standard picking list.
This is generated for each order. It shows the customer, the items requested and the quantity required.
A summary picking list.
This shows the items and quantities required for the selected orders on one picking list.
In the SOP Settings Document Printing tab, you can choose to:
Print picking lists automatically.
This prints the picking list when the order is entered and the stock allocated.
Show unallocated items on the picking lists.
This prints any items on the order that have not been allocated.
In the SOP Settings Processing tab, you can choose to:
Allow picking lists to be amended.
This allows you to change the bin number the goods are despatched from.
Include services and free text items on the picking list.
If you have chosen to despatch your service and free text items with stock items, they are included on the picking list.
Batch/serial numbers are printed on picking lists if the numbers are assigned to the order when the stock is allocated, as specified in the Stock Control settings Options tab.
To print picking lists
Open: Sales Order Processing > Document Printing > Print Picking Lists.
Select the orders that you want to print from the Print picking lists for options.
If you want to reprint a picking list, choose the Single order option.
- Click Display. Any orders that meet the selection criteria are displayed.
To generate a summary picking list, select the Print summary picking list option. This prints a summary picking list.
- To limit the orders to be processed by a specific date, enter a date in the Order dates up to or the Confirmed delivery dates up to boxes.
Highlight an order, or multiple orders, from the list and click Print. The picking lists for the selected items are printed.
Click Print All to print a picking list for all orders displayed.