View purchase orders

View orders

  1. To view a purchase order:

    • Open Purchase Order Processing > Purchase Orders List

      Select an order and select View.

    • Open Purchase Order Processing > Enquiries > View Purchase Order

      Use the selection criteria and select Show All Orders, then select and order and select View Order.

  2. You can view order information on each tab, such as order details, delivery and supplier addresses, analysis codes, and attachments.

  3. You can also view additional information about the order.

View orders in cloud document storage

You can set up Sage 200 to save purchase orders to cloud document storage when you print them, so that they can be viewed by everyone.

Purchase orders that have been saved to cloud document storage can be viewed in PDF format.

Open: Purchase Order Processing > Purchase Orders List, then select a single order and click View in Document Storage.

Open: Purchase Ledger > Suppliers List, then select a supplier and click View in Document Storage.

  • The supplier's folder is displayed in cloud document storage. The Purchase Order folder contains purchase orders for the supplier.

See Save printed documents to cloud document storage.