Save printed documents to cloud document storage

Note - warning

To save documents to cloud document storage, you will need to use either Microsoft OneDrive for Business or Dropbox.

You can save printed or emailed documents to cloud document storage, so that they can be viewed by everyone using Sage 200.

You can save invoices and credit notes, customer statements and debtor letters, order acknowledgements and despatch notes, and purchase orders and supplier remittances.

Documents are saved in PDF format, and once they have been uploaded to your cloud document storage, they can be viewed from Sage 200.

How to

Set up cloud document storage on your server

Note - information
  • To save documents to cloud storage, you will need to use either Microsoft OneDrive for Business or Dropbox as your cloud storage application.
  • Install your cloud storage client application on a server which is accessible by everyone that uses Sage 200.
  • In your cloud storage application, create a folder for your Sage 200 documents which will be synchronised with your cloud storage.

    You should also share this folder using your cloud storage application, so that everyone that will use Sage 200 can access the folder and view documents.

  • On your server, the folder containing the Sage 200 documents needs to be set up as a shared network folder with everyone that uses Sage 200.
  1. On your server, install and set up your cloud storage client application. You can use OneDrive for Business or Dropbox.

    The cloud storage application will run from your server, so you don't need to set this up on each Sage 200 user's PC.

  2. Open Windows Explorer, and find the folder on your drive that's being synchronised by the cloud storage application.

  3. Open the cloud storage folder, and inside it create a new folder that will contain your Sage 200 documents.

    For example, this might be OneDrive for Business\Sage 200 Documents or Dropbox\Sage 200 Documents.

  4. In your cloud storage application, make sure that you share the new folder for Sage 200 documents with everyone that will use Sage 200. This will allow everyone to view documents from your cloud storage.
  5. In Windows, share the folder that you have created on your network.

    • The folder should be shared with everyone that uses Sage 200.
    • Users will need to be able to save files to this folder, so it should be shared with both Read and Write permissions.
    • Make a note of the path to the shared folder name, as you will need to enter this as the Storage folder in the Document Storage Settings. For example, this might be \\your_server\Sage 200 Documents\.

Set up cloud document storage in Sage 200

Open: Accounting System Manager > Settings > Document Storage Settings.

  1. Select the Storage folder.

    Click Browse to select the shared network folder on your server that is used to synchronise your Sage 200 documents to cloud document storage. This must be the network path to the folder, not a local drive path; for example: \\your_server\Sage200 Documents\.

  2. Enter the URL for the Cloud folder.

    This is the web address to the folder in your cloud document storage that contains your Sage 200 documents.

    To make sure that you've got the right location, try entering the URL in a browser and check that it shows the documents folder.

  3. You can choose to store documents when Printing and Emailing.

  4. You can choose which types of document are saved by choosing the Layouts for the documents.

    This includes Acknowledgements, Customer Letters, Customer Statements, Despatch Notes, Invoices and Credits, Supplier Purchase Orders, Remittances.

  5. Choose whether you want to Ask for confirmation before sending to storage.

    • When you print a document, this will ask you if you want to save the document to cloud document storage. If you disable this setting, documents will automatically be saved to cloud document storage.

Save documents to cloud document storage

You can choose which types of documents that you want to save to cloud document storage by selecting the appropriate layouts in Document Storage Settings.

You can also choose whether documents are saved automatically, or whether Sage 200 will Ask for confirmation before sending to storage.

When you print or email the document, it will be saved to the Storage folder on your network, then and the cloud document storage application on your server will upload the document to the cloud. Once the document is uploaded, it can be viewed by everyone using Sage 200.

View documents from cloud document storage

To view documents that have been saved to cloud document storage, you can click the View in Document Storage button, where you see it in lists and screens.

Useful info

What types of documents can be saved?

  • Customer invoices.
  • Customer credit notes.
  • Customer statements.
  • Customer debtor letters.
  • Despatch notes.
  • Supplier purchase orders.
  • Sales order acknowledgements.
  • Supplier remittances.

You can choose which types of document are saved by choosing the Layouts in Document Storage Settings.

Note: If you want to use your own custom layouts, see Using document layouts.

Where are the files saved?

  • Files are saved to the location you have set as the Storage folder in Document Storage Settings.

    This is a network location, not a local drive; for example: \\your_server\Sage 200 Documents\.

  • Documents for each company are stored in a separate folder named after the company ID number; e.g. if there is only one company, this would be 1.
  • Documents are saved in separate folders for each customer or supplier, and for each document type. For example:

    • Invoices for a customer with short name BET001 would be found in 1\Artefacts\Customer\BET001\Invoice.
    • Purchase orders for a supplier with short name ATL001 would be found in 1\Artefacts\Supplier\ATL001\Purchase Order.