Print the negotiation reports

Print negotiation reports

To include an item in the negotiation reports:

Open: Purchase Order Processing > Purchase Orders > Generate Orders.

  1. On the Generate Purchase Orders window, select an item from the suggested orders and click View Details. The Shortfalls for Items window is displayed.
  2. Select the Negotiate? check box.

    If you are using multiple locations, item quantities are shown by warehouse location in the negotiate report. To include an item quantity for a warehouse, select the Negotiate? check box.

  3. Click OK.

    The Shortfalls for Items window closes and you return to the Generate Purchase Order window.

  4. Continue to select items to be included in the reports.
  5. Click Print to generate the Item for Negotiation report and the Suppliers to Contact report.

Note: The reports can be printed at any time before you generate the purchase orders.