Add item to suggested list
You can manually add any stock items to the suggested orders list, provided that the item has a preferred supplier set for it in the Stock Control module.
Open: Purchase Order Processing > Purchase Orders > Generate Orders.
- On the Generate Purchase Orders window, click Add Item.
- Select the stock item using the Add Stock Item window and click OK. The Add Stock Item window closes and you return to the Generate Purchase Orders window.
- Click View Details. The Shortfalls for Item window is displayed.
- To indicate you are dealing with the order requirement, click the Negotiate column and select Yes from the list.
- To change the supplier of the item, click the Code column and select the required supplier.
- To change the item price, enter the new price in the Unit Price column (expressed in the supplier's currency).
- Click the Stock Levels tab and enter the required amount in the Qty to purchase for stock box.
- To indicate you have finished working on the order requirement click the Negotiate column and select No from the list.
- To mark a warehouse order quantity for purchase click the Confirmed column and select Yes from the list.
- Click OK.
Steps in this task
Generate list of suggested purchases.
Print the negotiation reports.