Copy a purchase order

You can create a new purchase order by copying an existing order, and then amend the new order as required.

  • The order number and dates are not copied.

  • If the order has any analysis codes that are set to Get default value from supplier code, the analysis code values will change if you choose a different supplier.

  • To copy an order, you must have access to amend an order.

To copy an order

Open: Purchase Order Processing > Purchase Orders > Enter New Order.

  1. Select Copy Order.

  2. Select the order number you want to copy, or select Find to search for the order.

  3. The supplier account details from the original order are displayed.

    • If you want to create the new order for a different supplier, select the new supplier.

      • If you select a supplier that is on hold, you must select another supplier for the order.

      • If you have exceeded your credit limit with that supplier, a warning is displayed but you can continue.

  4. If you also want to copy all prices and discounts from the order, select Copy order line price and discounts.

    Note: If the supplier account currency of the new order is different to the currency of the original order, you will be asked to confirm if you still want to copy the prices when you copy the order.

  5. Click OK.

    The order details are displayed.

  6. Continue to amend the order as required.

    You can change the existing details as well as add or remove items from the order.