Using the menu and favourites

The menu is on the left side on the Sage 200 desktop and displays all the windows available in Sage 200 or a list of your favourites.

The menu can be displayed either maximised to keep the menu visible, or minimised to shrink the menu when it's not being used.

You can use the menu to access Sage 200 modules and windows to enter information, perform tasks and run reports.

Tip: You can press Ctrl+Shift+M to open the Menu view.

The menu options are grouped into modules, for example, Suppliers contains tasks to create and amend accounts or run enquiries.

The options in the menu are also available from desktop lists, by using the Action bar at the top of the desktop list.

This means you can minimise the menu if you want to and still have access to the actions you need within each module.

Lists and process maps are available for each module from the module menu. Workspaces are available from Workspaces within the main menu. And summaries are available from within the Summaries option within the main menu.

If you have admin access, you can customise the menu for all Sage 200 users.


You can use Favourites to create your own menu. You can just add the forms that you need to us so that you can get to them quickly To do this you just:.

  1. When you're using a form or list in Sage 200, click to add it to your Favourites menu.
  2. Organise the menu the way that you want; click Edit Favourites .
  3. Share your favourites menu with others, by exporting and importing them.
  4. You can show your favourites on the Home page, by using the Home Page Favourites folder.

What do you want to do?

Set up a favourites menu

Set favourites on your home page.