Default Nominal Accounts (Configuration Assistant)

Find this screen

Open: Configuration Assistant > Default Nominal Accounts for P&L and Balance Sheet.

How to

Set your default Profit & Loss nominal accounts

  1. Go to the Profit And Loss list.
  2. Click into the Code field of the account for which you are setting a default.
  3. Select an account code drop-down list the default nominal account.

    Your nominal accounts are displayed below for you to refer to. You can sort this list using the column headings if required.

    If you've used the default accounts we provide, then the most appropriate accounts will already have been set. You can change these if you need to.

Note: The nominal accounts you select for use must have a report category with a Report Type of Profit and Loss. If you select a nominal account with a Balance Sheet type, the field will be highlighted yellow. You must select a different account.

Set your default Balance Sheet nominal accounts

  1. Go to the Balance Sheet list.
  2. Click into the Code field of the account for which you are setting a default.
  3. Select an account code drop-down list the default nominal account.

    Your nominal accounts are displayed below for you to refer to. You can sort this list using the column headings if required.

    If you've used the default accounts we provide, then the most appropriate accounts will already have been set. You can change these if you need to.

Note: The nominal accounts you select for use must have a report category with a Report Type of Balance Sheet. If you select a nominal account with a Profit and Loss type, the field will be highlighted yellow. You must select a different account.

Useful info

How the default nominal accounts are used

The following tables explain how each default account is used in Sage 200, the processes they affect, and the whether you can change the default when entering transactions.

What if I don't set a default?

This depends on the type of default accounts. You don't have to set a default account but not setting one has different consequences for different types of accounts.

You only have to set defaults for the mandatory accounts now. The rest can be set once you've finished the configuration assistant.

Using cost centres and departments

If you are using cost centres and departments with your nominal accounts, your Profit and Loss transactions post slightly differently.

Once you have set a nominal account with a CC or CC/Dept, as the default nominal account on a customer or supplier account, Sage 200 posts to the account Code associated with the default nominal account and the CC/ Dept associated with the customer or supplier account.

For example, a settlement discount for a customer with a default nominal account of 4000 MAN, would post to a Discounts Allowed nominal account, 4008 MAN.

If you are using cost centres and departments with your nominal accounts, you must make sure that you create accounts with all the required CC or CC/Dept combinations for all nominal accounts used on your Profit and Loss.

About report categories

The accounts you choose here must have the correct Report Category as this determines whether the are Profit and Loss Accounts or Balance Sheet accounts.

Report categories are used to create your financial statements. They divide your nominal accounts into Profit and Loss or Balance Sheet and then into groups for reporting on the correct section of each financial statement.

It is very important that you make sure your report categories have the correct Report Type (Profit and Loss or Balance Sheet), and correct Category Type (Asset, Liability, Income or Expense). This is because these determine how the value from your nominal accounts are reported on your financial statements. In addition, the values in all Profit and Loss nominal accounts are set to zero, when you move Sage 200 into a new financial year (Year End).

About SOFA categories

SOFA categories are used to group your nominal accounts together to report the income and expenditure of your funds on the SOFA report.

To record funds brought forward from the previous year on the SOFA report, you need to have a special default nominal account for Accumulated Fund Profit.

If you're an Academy, this account must also have a SOFA category of SX99 - Funds Brought Forward, to make sure your brought forward funds are correctly included on the SOFA report.

Fix it

The code has a yellow highlight

This means that the nominal account you've selected doesn't have the correct report category Report Type. The report category of the nominal account will have a Report Type of either Profit and Loss or Balance Sheet. So when you select an account, Profit and Loss defaults must have a report category type of Profit and Loss, and Balance Sheet defaults must have a report category type of Balance Sheet.

To resolve this:

  • Change the nominal account selected, or
  • Check that the nominal account has the correct report category, or
  • Check that the account's report category has the correct Report Type.

I see an error message when I try to save

Before you can save the changes made to the default nominal accounts, you must have entered an account for both of the following:

  • Suspense Account (Profit and Loss tab).

  • Accumulated Profit (Balance Sheet tab).

  • Accumulated Fund Profit ( Balance sheet tab)

What happens when I

Save and mark this panel as complete?

  • When you finish adding information and click Save and Mark as Complete, the panel is marked with a tick to indicate that you have completed this step.
  • While you remain on the Configuration Assistant, you can return to this panel to add or amend any of the details you have entered.