Maintain supplier prices

Use this to maintain your supplier prices. You can add or delete supply details for a stock item or change the conditions already specified for an existing supplier.

Note: You can update stock item prices for a single supplier by importing the prices for the supplier.

To maintain supplier prices

Open: Purchase Order Processing > Purchase Orders > Supplier Stock Items.

  1. Select a supplier Code.
  2. To add a stock item, click Add, and choose a Stock Item Code. To edit a stock item, select the item and click Edit.
    1. Enter or amend the information for the item. This may include: Supplier stock code, Lead time, Usual order quantity, Minimum order quantity, Supplier list price, List price expiry or Price source which may be Last Buying Price or List Price.
    2. Note: Although you can import supplier prices, you cannot import Lead time, Usual order quantity or Minimum order quantity.

    3. Amend the Landed costs settings, if required.
  3. To save the changes, click OK. To cancel the changes, click Cancel.
  4. To delete a stock item, select the item and click Remove.

    Note: You cannot remove an item if there are outstanding orders from the supplier for the item.

    Confirm that you want to delete the item. The link between the supplier and the item are removed.