Billing analysis enquiry
Use the Billing Analysis enquiry to inspect all your billable project transactions. You can view your project code and title, net value billed, VAT value billed, gross value billed, original and outstanding values to bill, last billed date, total cost, last cost date, profit.
To make a billing analysis enquiry
Open: Project Accounting > Project Enquiries > Billing > Billing Analysis.
To filter the information displayed in the enquiry, use the criteria to select the information that you want to show.
The following criteria are specific to this enquiry:
- To include committed costs in the cost calculations, enable Factor committed cost into value to bill and profit.
- To include overhead absorption rates in the cost calculations, enable Factor overhead uplift into costs.
- Click OK. The project enquiry appears.
- To display further enquiries about a billing item, right-click on the item and select:
- Profitability Analysis.
- Cost Analysis.
- Cost Transactions, to display all cost transactions.
- Cost Transactions (Chargeable) to display only chargeable cost transactions.
- Cost Transactions (Outstanding) to display only chargeable cost transactions that have not yet been billed for.
- Revenue Transactions.
- Nominal Transactions.
- Project Record, to display the project structure and details.
- Billing Summary.
- To print the information displayed in the enquiry, click Print.