Main details (EST Record)

Open: Estimating > Records > Enter New Estimate - Full | Main Details.

  1. If you selected Automatic Estimate Numbers, on the Estimate Settings Numbering tab, the estimate number automatically generates when you save the estimate.
  2. If you are entering estimate numbers, enter a number up to 30 digits, using any alphanumeric sequence.

  3. Enter the number of individual items required for each finished item in the No. of Pieces box.

    For example, if your finished item was a staircase with twenty steps, you would enter 20.

    Note: You must enter this before selecting or entering a product. The value is used as the default for the estimate stage. If you enter the product and then enter the No. of Pieces, the value will not be used as a default on the estimate stage.

  4. Select the product code from the Product Code drop-down list. The Warehouse and Description appear automatically.

    The Description is entered automatically on the Invoice Description tab. The Invoice Description tab changes to capital letters.

  5. The Date Entered box defaults to today's date but you can overwrite this.
  6. If you know the date by which the estimate should be completed, enter it in the Due Date box. This is the default date for the stages Estimating jobs involves breaking the jobs down into stages for accumulation and analysis of job costs. Each job must have at least one stage. (not to be confused with the due date on the stages). It is carried over into a resulting works order The authority to produce a part using the components specified on a BOM and the process specified on the routing. upon conversion.
  7. The Follow Up box lets you enter a date on which to take further action, if required. Enter a date or use the calendar button.

    If you have Microsoft Outlook installed, to add an entry in your Microsoft Outlook diary, click Outlook. This creates a reminder for the follow up action. You can amend and save this entry in the usual way.

    Note - warning

    Warning! If you click Outlook and you do not have it installed already, the program will spend time attempting to install Microsoft Outlook.

  8. If you are preparing this estimate for an existing customer or prospect, select Customer or Prospect. Then select the A/C from the drop-down list.

    Note: You can only prepare estimates for base currency customers.

  9. If you are preparing the estimate for a new customer or prospect, ignore the A/C box. Enter the name of the person or company for whom the estimate is being prepared into the Name box.
  10. The Contact boxes automatically display any data from the selected A/C. You can amend this information.
  11. Enter an appropriate Reference No.
  12. You can enter multiple quantity breaks for the finished items you want to manufacture. This gives you the ability to quote prices for different quantities when preparing estimates for customers.
  13. Only the first five quantity breaks are used by the planning and works orders modules. For more information, see the guidelines on using all Manufacturing modules.


    If you are amending an estimate, be aware of the following effects if you change quantity break values.

  14. To continue entering estimate information, click the Additional Details tab.

    To save your Estimate Details, click Save.