Foreign currency exchange rates

Sage 200 can hold the details of up to 100 currencies. One is your base currency. The remaining are the currencies in which your customers and suppliers operate.

You can use single and period exchange rates for each currency. Period exchange rates allow you to set your exchange rates with date ranges. You must have chosen Use period exchange rates in the Accounting System Manager System Settings Operations tab.

When entering transactions in a foreign currency:

  • The exchange rate is used to calculate the value of your foreign currency into your base currency.

    This exchange rate is taken from the exchange rate table which you set up using the Currencies and Exchange Rates option in Accounting System Manager > Settings. If the exchange rate is amendable, you can change it when entering transactions.

  • When processing sales orders, you can choose to use the exchange rate set either when entering a sales order, or when printing an invoice. If you want to use the rate when printing an invoice, you must select the option to Use exchange rates when printing invoices and credit notes from Sales orders in SOP Settings.
  • The transactions are automatically revalued when they are fully or part allocated to a receipt or payment. Any losses or gains made from the fluctuations in exchange rates are posted to your exchange rate differences nominal account.

    • If no nominal accounts are set up for the currency to record exchange rate gain/loss on postings, then it will be posted to the default nominal account for Exchange Differences. To set nominal accounts for the currency, open Accounting System Manager > Settings > Currencies and Exchange Rates, Settings tab.

      Note: When the revaluation is posted, if the customer or supplier account has a Default Nominal Code that includes a cost centre or department, then the revaluation posting will include those cost centre and department codes. For example, your default nominal code for Exchange Differences is 7906, and your customer's Default Nominal Code is 4000 with a cost centre of ABC and department of 123. The nominal posting for the revaluation will be to nominal account code 7906/ABC/123. If this nominal account code does not exist, then it will be posted to your Suspense Account nominal code.

  • Transactions are posted to the Nominal Ledger in your base currency.
  • You can choose to revalue outstanding amounts on your customer and supplier accounts.