Set up currencies
You can amend or add a currency here. You can enter up to 99 currencies. You can choose whether the currency uses a single exchange rate, period exchange rates, or both.
If you choose to make a currency amendable, you can change the exchange rate when entering transactions.
You specify your base currency here. You cannot change this once you have entered transactions.
- If you want to use period exchange rates, you must have selected Use period exchange rates in the Accounting System Manager settings.
Open: Accounting System Manager > Settings > System Settings | Operational settings.
To set up your currencies
Open: Accounting System Manager > Settings > Currencies and Exchange Rates | Settings.
To add a currency, click Add Currency. A new line appears. Enter the currency details.
Amend the currency details on the relevant line.
Enter or amend the following details:
- To print a list of the currency settings, click Print.
- To save the currency settings, click OK.