Log in and open your company

How to

Log in to the Web Portal

  • To access the Web Portal internally, enter the address (URL) in your web browser:

    https://<Your Sage 200 file server>:10444/Sage200WebPortal

    Note: You can also find out this internal URL by opening the Web Portal from the desktop app, using Tools button Tools > Show Web Portal in Browser.

    When you open the Web Portal internally, you are automatically logged on using your Windows credentials.

    You will only have to enter your Windows user name and password, if the Enforce Login option has been set in System Administration (applies to on-premise deployments only).

  • To access the Web Portal externally, you'll need to use the External Url for your Web Portal.

    The External Url for your company is provided when you set up the Web Portal in the Azure Active Directory admin center.

    This will usually be in the format:

    https://sage200selfservice-<account name>.msappproxy.net/Sage200WebPortal/

    When your browser asks you to sign in, use your local Windows account name and password details. Do not enter your Microsoft 365 account username and password details.

The Web Portal website is installed by default to an internal website, but you can set it up to be accessed externally on the web. See Log in and open your company.

If you've just installed an update to Sage 200, remember to update your company and administration databases in System Administration, before you start using the Web Portal.

If you don't have access to the Web Portal, contact your administrator.

  • To access the Web Portal, your user will need to be set up as a web user in System Administration, and also be assigned have access to the company.

Open your company

If you have access to more than one company, you can select the company when you open the Web Portal.

Your administrator will control which companies you have access to, which is set up in System Administration.

Change your company

The name of the company you're using is displayed at the top of the page.

  • To switch to a different company, select the company name, then select Change Company.

Change users

If different users need to use the Web Portal on the same device:

  1. The current user must close the web browser used for the Web Portal and log off from Windows on the PC.

  2. The new user can then log on to Windows on the PC, then open the Web Portal.

Log out of the Web Portal

To log out of the Web Portal.

  • Select User menu button User > Log out.

Note: If you leave the Web Portal unattended for a while, you will be logged out automatically.

Use 2-factor authentication

Note: This is only applicable for Sage 200 Professional deployed via the Sage Provisioning Portal.

You can use 2-factor authentication to increase the security of your account. When you log in to Sage 200 or the Sage Provisioning Portal, you will have to enter a passcode that is sent to your phone.

If you want to use 2-factor authentication, see this article Setting up and removing 2-factor authentication in the Sage Provisioning Portal.

Give someone access to the Web Portal

To give someone access to the Web Portal, see Set up access to the Web Portal.

Clear disconnected logins

If a user is unexpectedly disconnected from Sage 200 during a session, they can appear to be still logged in to Sage 200. This might happen when you're using Web Portal and you lose your internet connection or leave your browser open until it times out, or if you're using the Sage 200 desktop and your PC shuts down unexpectedly.

When this happens, you may see a message that you can't access a feature or item because it's already in use by another user, but the user is not currently using that item Sage 200.

You will only be able to access the feature or item if you clear the disconnected login that's associated with that user.

To clear disconnected logins in the Sage 200 desktop:

Tools button Tools > User login Status.

  1. On the Disconnected logins tab, check if any users are disconnected.

    Note: It usually takes around 5 minutes for a disconnected login to appear in the list.

  2. Select the users to log off.


    We strongly recommend that you follow the action information provided in the Action required pane at all times to maintain the integrity of your data.

    Tip: Use the Ctrl key to select multiple users at the same time.

  3. Select Log Off.

Fix it

You're not a user of the Sage 200 Web Portal

You'll see this message if your user account has not yet been set up to use Sage 200.

You'll need to ask your administrator to set up your user account to access Sage 200.

For more information on setting up users, see Users.

You do not have access to this feature

You'll see this message if your user role does not have access to a feature that you're trying to use.

You'll need to ask your administrator to give your user role access to the required feature.

For more information on setting up feature access, see Authorise features for roles.

No companies assigned to your user account

You'll see this message if your user account does not have access to any companies.

You'll need to ask your administrator to assign your user account to the required company.

For more information on setting up company access, see Company access for a user.