Create, amend or view a quotation

Find this screen

Open: Sales Order Processing > Quotations > New Quotation

Open: Sales Order Processing > Quotations > Amend Quotation

How to

Create a new quotation

You can create a quotation for an existing customer, or for a prospective customer.

Open: Sales Order Processing > Quotations > New Quotation

  1. Select the customer:

    • If the quotation is for an existing customer, select the Customer account.

      • You can select customers who are on hold, or who have exceeded their credit limit. This is because the goods and services are not supplied until payment is received.

    • If the quotation is for a new customer, and you want to create an account for them right now, select New Customer.

    • If the quotation is for a potential customer, and you don't want to create an account for them just yet, then select Prospect account and enter the Name of the prospect customer.

      Note: To use the Prospect account, you must have already created an account for prospect quotations and pro formas, and enabled Allow quotations and pro formas to be entered for prospects and selected this account in the SOP settings - Default Accounts tab (in the Sage 200 desktop).

    Note: If alerts have been set up for this customer account and document type, they'll be displayed as soon as you select the account. To view the alert messages again, select the Alerts button Alerts button.

  2. Enter the Quotation Detail.

    • Document date: Amend the quotation date, if necessary.

      Note: The date must be earlier than the delivery dates.

    • Date requested: Enter the requested delivery date or leave it blank.

    • Date promised: Enter a promised delivery date or leave it blank.

      The promised date is required if you want to use Generate purchase orders (in the Sage 200 desktop).

    • Expiry date: Enter an expiry date for the quotation, or leave it blank. Use this if the quotation is only valid for a certain length of time. For example, a customer might need to place an order within a month to get the price you've offered in the quotation.

      Note: The expiry date is only used for information in the quotation, and is not used when you convert a quotation to a sales order or pro forma.

    • Quotation taken by: Specify the person who has taken the quotation and is responsible for it.

      This will automatically be filled in with your user name, if you have chosen to Use the user's logon name as the document taker in the SOP settings - Invoice and Order Entry tab (in the Sage 200 desktop).

    • Order priority: Enter the order priority code, where A has the highest priority and Z the lowest.

      The order priority code is used to display orders in order of priority. This allows you to see which orders are most urgent. This can be particularly important when allocating stock to orders for outstanding items.

      This is taken from the customer account Trading tab and can be changed here.

    • Customer order no: This can be a reference that the customer gives you, such as their name, or their own order number.

  3. Enter more details about the quotation on the following tabs:

    • Quotation Details.

      Use this to add goods, services, additional charges or comments to the quotation.

      You can also view the total value of the quotation, view the quotation profit, and view and change the exchange rate (if applicable).

      See Enter the quotation details.

    • Delivery.

      Select the delivery address and enter contact details.

      These are taken from the customer's account, but you can change these details for each quotation.

      See Enter the delivery details (quotations).

    • Quotation and Invoice Details.

      Enter the VAT details, early settlement discounts and quotation discounts.

      These are taken from the customer's account, but you can change these details for each quotation.

      See Enter the quotation and invoice details.

    • Analysis Codes.

      Use this to enter analysis codes for the whole quotation.

      Tip: To apply analysis codes for individual lines in the quotation, select the Quotation Details tab, then select More Actions menu button More actions > Analysis Codes on the item line.

      See Enter analysis codes (quotations).

    • Memo.

      Use this to enter comments about the quotation, such as reminders about issues that should be taken into consideration.

      See Enter memos (quotations).

  4. Once you've finished entering the quotation, you can save the quotation.

    • To save the quotation, select Save.

    • To print or view the quotation document after saving, select Save & Print.

      The quotation document will be produced as a PDF file, and you can view and print the document, or download it to your device.

      The document will also be saved to the print spooler.

    If you've chosen to print Invoice payment with order immediately, the invoice will be produced as a PDF file and also saved to the print spooler.

    If you've chosen to automatically print picking lists, the picking list will be produced as a PDF file and also saved to the print spooler.

    To view your documents in the spooler, see Print reports and documents from the spooler.

  5. You may be asked to confirm the quotation whenever you save the quotation.

    Note: You'll only be asked to confirm the quotation if you have selected Show the order number when order confirmed in the SOP settings (in the Sage 200 desktop).

    • Enter the Customer order no, if you haven't already entered this in the quotation details.

      This can be a reference that the customer gives you, such as their name, or their own order number.

    • Select Save to confirm the quotation.

    See Confirm the quotation.

Amend a quotation

You can amend your quotations depending on the status of the quotation, and your User Permissions (in the Sage 200 desktop).

  • You can amend Live or Lost quotations.

  • You can't amend Completed quotations that have been converted to orders.

To amend a quotation:

Open: Sales Order Processing > Quotations > Amend Quotation

Tip: You can also find and amend a quotation from the Sales Order List.

  1. To select the quotation:

    • If you know the quotation number, enter or select the Quotation no in the Quotation Detail section.

    • To view a list of your quotations that you can search and filter, select Find button Find Quotation in the Quotation Detail section.

    Note: If alerts have been set up for this customer account and document type, they'll be displayed as soon as you select the account. To view the alert messages again, select the Alerts button Alerts button.

  2. Amend the quotation details as required.

  3. Once you've finished amending the quotation, you can save and confirm the quotation.

    You'll be asked to confirm the quotation whenever you Save an amended quotation.

    See Confirm the quotation.

Copy a quotation

You can create a new quotation by copying an existing quotation or order, and then amending the new quotation as required.

  • The quotation number, payment details, and dates are not copied.

  • Any analysis codes on the original quotation or order that were set to default for the original customer will be changed to the default analysis codes for the new customer.

Note: To copy a quotation or order, you must have access to amend a quotation or order.

Open: Sales Order Processing > Sales Orders > New Quotation

  1. Select Copy Quotation.

  2. Select the Customer account that you want to create the quotation for.

    • You can't select a customer that is on hold.

    • You can't select a customer if you have already selected the prospect account.

    • You can't select the customer that's set as the default prospect account.

  3. Choose to copy from a Quotation or an Order.

  4. To copy all prices and discounts from the quotation or order, select Copy quotation prices and discounts or Copy sales order prices and discounts.

    Don't select this if you want to use prices and discounts from the Price Book.

    Note: You can't select this if the new customer uses a different currency to the customer on the original quotation.

  5. Select the quotation that you want to copy.

  6. Select Copy to copy the quotation.

    Continue to amend the quotation as required.

View a quotation

Open: Sales Order Processing > Enquiries > View Quotation

  1. To select the quotation:

    • If you know the quotation number, enter or select the Quotation no in the Quotation Detail section.

    • To view a list of your quotations that you can search and filter, select Find button Find Quotation in the Quotation Detail section.

    Note: If alerts have been set up for this customer account and document type, they'll be displayed as soon as you select the account. To view the alert messages again, select the Alerts button Alerts button.

  2. You can view the additional information related to the quotation.

    • Use the tabs to view details about the quotation.

    • If the quotation was converted to an order, you can view this by selecting View Order.

    • To view details about items in the order, go to the Quotation Details tab and select More Actions menu button More actions for the item. You can select:

      • More details: View details about the item, such as prices, costs and discounts, fulfilment method, delivery dates, and nominal code.

      • View picking list/despatch note: View picking list and despatch note comments for the item (only for standard item, free text item).

      • Profit: View profit for the item (only for standard item, free text item, additional charge).

        Note: To view profit, you must have View profit values on invoices and orders set in your User Permissions (in the Sage 200 desktop).

      • Discounts: View discounts for the item (only for standard item, free text item).

        Note: To view discounts, you must have View discount calculations on invoice and order lines set in your User Permissions (in the Sage 200 desktop).

      • Analysis codes: View analysis codes selected for the item.

Useful info

Prospect accounts

You can create a quotation for potential customers and record them on a prospect account. This means you don't have to create new customer accounts that you might never use.

  • You must first create a generic customer account, to use for prospect prospect quotations and pro forma invoices. You must then select this customer as the Prospect account in the SOP settings - Default Accounts tab (in the Sage 200 desktop).

  • You enter the details of a prospect quotation in the same way as you would enter a normal quotation. However, as there is no customer account, you must enter a postal address for the quotation.
  • If the prospect customer makes an order, you can then create a new account for the customer, and convert the quotation to a sales order (in the Sage 200 desktop).

Create a prospect account

  1. Create an account for prospect customers.

    1. Open Sales Ledger > Sales Accounts > New Customer.

    2. Give the account the name Prospect, or something more appropriate to your organisation.
  2. Set this account as the prospect account (in the Sage 200 desktop).

    1. Open SOP settings.
    2. Go to the Default Accounts tab.

    3. Enable Allow quotations and pro formas to be entered for prospects.
    4. Select your customer prospect account.