View stocktake adjustments

Find this screen

Open: Stock Control > Adjustments > Manage Stocktake.

How to

View adjustments (stock discrepancies)

Use this to check the discrepancies in stock quantities for a completed stocktake.

If you have any traceable items, you can use this to help you make the required manual stock adjustments.

Open: Stock Control > Adjustments > Manage Stocktake.

  1. Select Show completed stocktakes to display your finished stocktakes.

    Note: You can only view adjustments for a stocktake with a status of Complete.

  2. Select the relevant stocktake list from the list.
  3. Select View Adjustments.

  4. Details of any discrepancies in the stocktake are displayed.

    • Traceable items are indicated with an icon Traceable icon in the Traceable column.

    • The stock item quantities show the expected Original Level of the stock, compared to the Actual Level that was counted.
    • The Lost value shows a negative discrepancy, and the Found value shows a positive discrepancy.
    • The Discrepancy narrative shows any Notes that were added when the values were entered.
    • The stock item's unit of measure is shown by the Stock unit.