Prepare a stocktake list

Find this screen

Open: Stock Control > Adjustments > Manage Stocktake.

How to

Create a new stocktake list

Open: Stock Control > Adjustments > Manage Stocktake.

  1. Select New list.
  2. Select the Warehouse that contains the stock.

    Note: The terms Warehouse and Bin can be customised, so they might have different names in your Sage 200 company. You can customise these by setting Configurable names in Stock Control Settings (in the Sage 200 desktop).

  3. Enter a Stocktake name for the stocktake list.

    This defaults to the name of the warehouse and the current date and time.

  4. Choose how you want to count your stock.

    Count Stock Items

    Select Count stock items to count specified stock items in the warehouse.

    All the stock items stored in the specified warehouse are displayed. To select the required items:

    • Choose individual items by selecting the check box to the left of the item.
    • Select Auto select to select the items based on additional criteria, or from a previously saved template. This is only available if you are counting by stock items.

    Count bins

    Select Count bins to count all the stock items stored in specified bins.

    All the bins in the specified warehouse are displayed. To select the required items:

    • Choose individual bins by selecting the check box to the left of the bin.

    Exclude inactive stock

    Select this to remove inactive stock items from the stocktake list.
  5. To display the quantity of an item currently recorded as In stock when you enter values, select Show expected quantities when entering values. The Expected quantity will be displayed in the stocktake list.

  6. To save the stocktake list, select Create List.

    The status of the stocktake list will be set to Selecting items.

Amend a stocktake list

You can only amend a stocktake list with a status of Selecting items. You can't amend stocktake lists after they have been saved and have a status of Entering values.

Open: Stock Control > Adjustments > Manage Stocktake.

  1. Select the relevant stocktake list, then select Amend List.

  2. Amend the items or bins you want to count:

    • Choose individual items by selecting the check box to the left of the item.
    • Select Auto select to select the items based on additional criteria, or from a previously saved template. This is only available if you are counting by stock items.
  3. To display the quantity of an item currently recorded as In stock when you enter values, select Show expected quantities when entering values. The Expected quantity will be displayed in the stocktake list.

  4. To save the stocktake list, select Save Changes.

    The status of the stocktake list will be set to Selecting items.

Save a stocktake list (when you're ready to enter values)

You should only save the stocktake list once you've finished editing the list and are ready to start counting and enter values.

Open: Stock Control > Adjustments > Manage Stocktake.

  1. Select the relevant stocktake list and select Save List.

    Note: You can only save a stocktake with a status of Selecting items.

  2. Choose if you want to Pre-fill Actual Counts with the expected values.

    This can make it easier to enter values for the stocktake list, as it will automatically enter the expected quantity from Sage 200 as the actual quantity.

  3. Once you've saved the list:

    • The status of the stocktake list will change to Entering values.
    • The quantity in stock at that time is recorded as the Expected quantity for this stocktake, and any changes to the stock quantity after this point are not taken into account.

To start entering values for the stocktake, see Enter values for a stocktake.

Delete a stocktake list

You can delete a stocktake list at any time. This clears all the stocktake selections made for the selected stocktake lists. This has no effect on your stock item records or Nominal Ledger, as adjustments are only made when you Complete a stocktake list.

Open: Stock Control > Adjustments > Manage Stocktake.

  1. Select the stocktake list.

    Note: If you want to delete a stocktake list with a Complete status, select Show completed stocktakes.

  2. Select Delete, then confirm that you want to delete the list.

Useful info

Before you begin

  • We recommend that all receipts of stock into the warehouse are recorded in Sage 200 before starting a stocktake. This makes sure that all your stock levels are up-to-date.

Create your stocktake lists

The first stage is to create a stocktake list of the items that you want to count. You create a list for each warehouse, that contains the stock you want to count. You create lists by selecting either the stock items or bins.

Count by stock item

You can create stocktake lists by selecting stock items from a warehouse.

  • You can select individual stock items.
  • Use the Auto select option to select multiple items by their product group, date, stock quantity, traceable item type, and stock value. For example, this is useful if you only want to count your high value items.

Count by bin

You can create stocktake lists by selecting the bins from a warehouse.

  • You can select one or multiple bins from the selected warehouse.

  • You will only see the stock items in the selected bins when you enter values for the stocktake.

When you're ready to count stock and enter values

Once you've finished preparing your stocktake list and are ready to start counting, use Save List to change the status to Entering values.

The quantity in stock at that time is recorded as the Expected quantity, and any changes to the stock quantity after this point are not taken into account.

  • When you save the list, you can choose to Pre-fill Actual Counts with the expected values.

    This makes it easier to record stock counts, as it automatically enters the expected quantity from Sage 200 as the actual quantity. You will then only need to enter values for those stock items where there is a discrepancy in the actual quantity. This is useful if your actual quantities are usually close to the expected quantities.

Using multiple stocktake lists

You can create multiple stocktake lists for each warehouse.

  • If you create multiple stocktake lists for a warehouse, each incomplete stocktake list must use the same method of counting the stock, either count by stock item or count by bin. You can only choose a different method of counting once you have either completed or deleted all current stocktake lists for the warehouse.

    For example, you create a stocktake list for a warehouse to Count bins and haven't yet completed the count. If you create another stocktake list for the same warehouse, then it must also be set to Count bins.

  • An individual stock item or bin can only be included in a stocktake list once. Before you can choose the same stock item or bin again, all current stocktake lists for the warehouse have been completed or deleted.

    For example, if you include 'BIN 1' on a stocktake sheet and haven't yet completed the count, then 'BIN 1' will not appear on the list of bins for any new stocktake lists.