Enter values for a stocktake

Find this screen

Open: Stock Control > Adjustments > Stocktake Enter Values

Open: Stock Control > Adjustments > Manage Stocktake

How to

Enter the stock counts

Note: Before you can enter values for a stocktake list, you must save the list so it has a status of Entering values. If you haven't done this yet, see Save a stocktake list (when you're ready to enter values).

You can enter your stocktake values directly into the Web Portal app, which is handy if you want to do your stocktake on a tablet or laptop. This is a new way to enter your stocktake in the Web Portal, and is different to using the Sage 200 desktop where you would enter values on a printed stocktake list before you enter them in Sage 200.

Open: Stock Control > Adjustments > Stocktake Enter Values

Note: Alternatively, open Manage Stocktake, select the Stocktake name that you're going to count, then select Enter Values.

  1. Select the Warehouse and Stocktake name that you're going to count.

    Note: The terms Warehouse and Bin can be customised, so they might have different names in your Sage 200 company. You can customise these by setting Configurable names in Stock Control Settings (in the Sage 200 desktop).

  2. For each stock item, enter the new quantity in the Actual quantity column. This must a multiple of the stock item's stock unit.

    Your changes are automatically saved, so you don't need to save your progress during the stocktake.

    • You can enter a comment about the value in the Notes column, for example to explain a discrepancy.
    • Traceable items are indicated with an icon Traceable icon in the Traceable column.

      To check the individual batch and serial numbers for an item, select Batch serial details button Batch/Serial details for the item line. The Batch/Serial details are only available for stock items that have Include individual batch and serial numbers on count sheets enabled.

    • The stocktake list will show the Expected quantity for stock items, if you chose to Show expected quantities when entering values when you created the list.
    • The stocktake list will pre-fill the Actual quantity for stock items, if you chose to Pre-fill Actual Counts when you saved the list.
    • If the expected quantity of a stock item is below zero, you cannot enter the Actual quantity unless you have chosen to Allow entry of stock counts for items with negative stock levels in the Stock Control Settings in the Sage 200 desktop. If this setting is enabled, you can enter an Actual quantity for the item of zero or above.
  3. Once you've finished entering values:

    • If you haven't finished the full stocktake yet, select Return Later.
    • If you've finished the stocktake and are ready to submit it for approval, select Finish Stocktake and confirm that you have finished.

      The status of the stocktake list will change to Requires approval.

To approve a stocktake, see Approve and complete a stocktake.

Fix it

I get an error "Unable to save your last change"

Your changes are automatically saved as you enter values for your stocktake.

But if your last change could not be saved, you'll see an error "Unable to save your last change".

This could be caused by a problem connecting to your network.

We recommend that you stop entering values for your stocktake now, and select Return Later. Once you’ve reconnected to your network, you can return here to Stocktake Enter Values and continue with your stocktake.

The last change that you entered will not be saved, so you will have to re-enter it when you return.

Useful info

What's different to the Sage 200 desktop?

You can enter your stocktake values directly into the Web Portal app, which is handy if you want to do your stocktake on a tablet or laptop. This is a new way to enter your stocktake in the Web Portal, and is different to using the Sage 200 desktop where you would enter values on a printed stocktake list before you enter them in Sage 200.

Entering stock counts for traceable items

Discrepancies can occur in the stock quantities for your traceable items. For example, this can be due to stock being placed in the wrong bin, batch/serial numbers being recorded incorrectly, or if the item being issued with the wrong batch or serial number.

You can enter the new stock counts for traceable items. When you complete the stocktake, the stock records for traceable items are not updated (only non traceable items are updated). Stock records for traceable items are not updated because correcting the stock levels for traceable items requires further investigation to make sure the correct batch/serial numbers are recorded.

When you enter the new stock quantity on the stocktake, use the Notes column to explain a discrepancy.

You can view discrepancies for traceable stock items using View Adjustments, to help you make the required manual stock adjustments.