Record money received from customers

You've received money from a customer and want to record receipt of the payment in Sage 200. There are several ways you can enter these in Sage 200:

  • As a single receipt.

    Here you simply add the details of one payment and then immediately post it to the relevant customer and nominal accounts.

  • As a batch or group of receipts.

  • As a receipt input through Opayo (formerly Sage Pay).

    Here you process a card payment using Opayo.

When there is no invoice related to the receipt:

  • A cash receipt.

Enter multiple transactions in a batch or a group

If you have many transactions to record you can enter them in either a batch or a group.

When you record a batch of transactions you create a header record which records the number of individual transactions and the total value of all the transactions in the batch. Sage 200 ensures that the number and value of the entered transactions matches that stated on the header file. Enter batch transactions if you want this extra check on the values being entered. All transactions are posted individually to your bank, customer and nominal accounts.

When you record a group of transactions you post only a single amount to your bank but individual transaction amounts to customer and nominal accounts. This is useful if you've received a number of cheques from different customers at once that will appear as a single payment on your bank statement.

Foreign currency receipts

When you enter a foreign currency receipt, in addition to the basic payment details you must also:

  • Enter an exchange rate.

    Exchange rate variations are handled automatically when the receipt is allocated to an invoice.

  • Enter bank charges, if applicable.

    Bank charges are in the same currency as the bank account.

Note: If you are using a nominal bank account to record your bank transactions then you can only record transactions in the currency set on the customer's account.

Enter online receipts with Opayo (formerly Sage Pay)

If you use online payment processing, you can set up an Opayo account with Sage 200 to enter online card receipts.

Allocating receipts to invoices

After entering payment details you need to allocate the payment to its associated invoice or invoices. You can allocate as you enter individual payments or perform a separate allocation exercise later to match a number of payments to their invoices.

Paying a supplier who is also a customer (contra entry)

Use this if you do business with a company who both buys from and sells to you (they act as both supplier and customer), and you want to offset a sales invoice against a purchase invoice. The purchase invoice effectively becomes a payment. This is often referred to as a Contra Entry.

To make contra entries there must be both a customer and supplier account for the company and the two accounts must operate in the same currency.

To make a contra entry you select outstanding invoices on the supplier's account to offset against the customer's account. Sage 200 creates a supplier payment and a customer payment which are then allocated to the selected outstanding invoices.

These payments are posted to the nominal account for the bank account but are not posted to the cash book and will not appear on your bank statement.

What if I make a mistake

To maintain the integrity of your data, you can't delete transactions once they're posted. However, you can make corrections which creates a reverse transaction with the same details as the original and a new transaction with your changes.

See Correct posted customer transactions.

What do you want to do?

Next steps

You can allocate the receipt to the invoice or invoices it is paying as you enter the details of the receipt or perform this task later.

If the purchase needs to be reversed you should record or print a credit note and record the refund. You must then:

  • Allocate the invoice to the payment.
  • Allocate the credit note to the refund.

When receipts you have entered are detailed on your bank statement you can perform a bank reconciliation.