Amend a stock item

It is important to maintain accurate stock item records. Item details such as suppliers of an item or the alternatives offered can change over time.

To amend a stock item

Open: Stock Control > Stock Records > Amend Stock Item Detail.


  • You cannot change the code of a stock item.

  • You can usually change the product group associated with a stock item, if the new group uses the same Product type.

    There are some situations where you may not be able to change the product group for the stock item, and Sage 200 will warn you if these occur.

    You cannot change the product group for a stock item when:

    • The stock item has negative stock levels and the new product group does not allow negative stock.
    • The new product group has a different Product type. For example, your stock item belongs to a product group with a Miscellaneous product type and you want to change it to a product group with a Stock type.
    • The new product group uses batch or serial numbers, but the stock item does not currently use batch or serial numbers.
    • The new product group uses the actual costing method, but the stock item currently uses a different costing method and you have already recorded some stock for this item.

    Note: If the change of product group means that the stock item will now use different units of measure or will change to use the standard costing method, please check the stock item details after you change the product group.

  • If you change the Product group of the item, all the default values inherited from the product group will change for this item.
  • Some settings will be inherited from the product group and can only be changed at product group level, such as the Product type, Costing method, Movement history, Negative stock.

  • You cannot change the Stock unit once you've entered orders that include the stock item.

Batch or serial numbers

  • You can change items from being traceable to non traceable.

    • You can make a single item non-traceable by assigning a product group to the stock item that is not enabled for batch/serial numbers. This removes all the batch/serial numbers for this item. This is done using the Amend stock item product group window.

    • If you no longer want to use batch/serial numbers for all the items in the product group, you must clear the Items use batch or serial numbers option on the product group record. This removes all the batch/ serial numbers for all items in the product group.

    • It is not possible to enable batch/serial numbers for an existing stock item.

  • You can change between using batch and serial numbers for a stock item.

    • When you change from serial to batch numbers, the existing serial numbers are converted to batches with a quantity of 1.

    • You can only change from using batch to serial numbers if there are no current stock or allocations for this item. If you have recorded batch details for the item, such as adding stock, you must archive these using Archive Batch/Serial Item(s). If you have used this item in sales orders, you must also archive the orders using Archive SOP Orders and Returns before you archive the batch details.

  • You can only change a batch numbered item setting to sell from a single batch when: the setting is selected on the product group, there are no sales orders for the item and the item is not set with a fulfilment method of From Stock.

  • You can remove the need to record batch/serial numbers during receipt of goods into stock provided all items have assigned numbers.


Use the analysis tab to amend the item's Default nominal codes, Intrastat declaration details, Stocktake cycle and Analysis codes.


You cannot remove a supplier from an item if there are outstanding orders for that supplier.

Note: An order is outstanding if it is incomplete, or complete but not archived.


You can add, remove an alternative item and change the preferred alternative for a stock item.

Cross-selling items

You can add or remove cross-selling items that are set for an item.

See Cross-selling stock items.

Units of Measure

You can change the units measures for base, sales and purchases set for an item.

A unit of measure cannot be removed from a stock item if the measure is used as the base or stock unit, or in a sales or purchase order.

The Stock unit measure for the item is set on the Details tab. You cannot change the Stock unit once you've entered orders that include the stock item.


You can add and remove warehouses for a stock item. You can change the stocking levels for stock items in your warehouses.

You can't remove a warehouse if:

  • There is stock of this item in the warehouse.

  • There are any allocations or live orders for the item in this warehouse.

  • There are completed orders for this item from this warehouse, but the orders have not yet been archived.


You can attach files to the stock item record. For example an image of the stock item, a document, or a spreadsheet. The files you attach are placed in a folder that is linked to the record.


Use this tab to add or change any memo information about the stock item.


You can change comments and instructions for individual stock items.

Search Categories

If you are using search categories, those displayed for the stock item depend on the product group it is linked to. To remove a search category for a stock item, you must clear the search category at product group level.

Landed costs

You can change the way landed costs are calculated for this item.

Manufacturing details

If you have Sage 200 Manufacturing installed, use this tab to change the displayed manufacturing details. For more information, see the Manufacturing tab.