Delete company

You can delete company details and information within System Administration, but the company database The company database (SQL) contains all of the Sage 200 data for a company. which holds the company data is not deleted.

Note: Do not delete companies which have active users.

To delete companies

Open: System Administration > Companies.

  1. Right-click the Company Name and choose Delete Company.
  2. Click Yes to confirm that you want to delete the company.
  3. If Sage 200 detects any background task These are long running processes, for example, creating and updating databases., you will see the message Another administration task is in progress. Please retry at a later time.

    Check whether another Sage 200 user is creating, updating or deleting companies at the time.

    • If other users are using Sage 200, wait until they have finished before trying again.

    • If other users are not using Sage 200, you can clean up the background tasks.

      To do this, select Sage 200 SA to display the information page, then check Active Background Tasks. If any background tasks are running, then you will be able to select Clean up background tasks.