Transfer stock

To record a stock transfer

Open: Stock Control > Adjustments > Transfer Stock.

  1. Select the Stock item.
  2. Enter the transfer details on the Detail tab.

    1. Select the location you want to transfer the stock item from, using the Warehouse list in Stock location.
    2. Select the location you intend to transfer the stock to, using the Warehouse list in Transferred to.

      Tip: If the stock is being transferred to a bin that you've not created yet, click New bin.

    3. Enter the Quantity of stock to be transferred.

      For normal (not traceable) stock items, you can enter up to five decimal places.

    4. Accept or amend the transfer Date.
    5. Enter an optional Reference or Second ref for the transfer (optional).
  3. If you want to check stock levels:

    1. Select the Stocking levels tab.
    2. Select the Warehouse you want to enquire on using the Warehouse drop-down list. The stocking levels are displayed.

      Note: The stocking levels for the source warehouse (transferred from) are displayed.

  4. To record the transfer, click Save for normal stock items, or click Proceed for batch/serial numbered items.
  5. For Batch/serial numbered items only:

    1. Select the batch/serial numbered items to be transferred by clicking the check box to the left of each required item.
    2. Batch only: In the Quantity column, enter the amount required in the item's stock unit.
    3. Click OK to save the transfer record.

    When dealing with batch/serial numbered items you can also use:

    • Auto select: The system selects the items for you starting with the first item and continues in the order in which they are displayed until the required quantity is satisfied.
    • Find: To search for batch/serial numbered items.
    • Show details: To view details of Receipts or Allocations, such as the item's supplier, goods received details, or allocation details.
    • Refresh: To update the status availability of displayed items when items have been secured by other Sage 200 processes.
    • Attributes: View attributes for the traceable item that have been set on the item's product group.