Edit a core feature
Use this to change the feature name or Globally Unique Identifier (GUID The Globally Unique Identifier is a string of characters which uniquely identifies a feature or a target.) of a feature A feature is a name for an action that you can perform in Sage 200; e.g. Enter New Supplier Account, describes the action of adding a supplier account within Sage 200 Purchase Ledger..
Edit the feature name or GUID
Open: System Administration > Features
Right-click the feature and choose Edit Feature.
The GUID uniquely identifies the feature to Sage 200.
If you want to generate a new GUID The Globally Unique Identifier is a string of characters which uniquely identifies a feature or a target., select New GUID.
If you want to manually distribute the feature and you know an existing GUID that's been used for this feature by other users, you can enter the GUID manually.
Note: The feature GUID is not related to the target's Target GUID.
Click OK to confirm the feature entries.