Viewing stock projection - products

Note: The date and time MRP Materials Requirements Planning (MRP). MRP recommends purchase orders, transfers and work orders to balance supply and demand. was last run indicates how recent the information is.

Open: Planning > MRP > Enquiries > Stock Projection > List.

  1. Choose the range of products you want to view information for.
  2. To display the products in the range, click Go.
  3. Choose to view stock projections for All Products, or for those products Below Minimum, Negative or Above Maximum levels.
  4. Note: Selecting a Product Code in the list displays the product details in the Selected Product Details portion of the window.

  5. To view the details for an item, select and double-click the item in the list. This displays the Stock Projection Item Details window.
  6. To close the Stock Projection List window, click Close.