Managing finalising transactions

You can manually finalise transactions if you do not use Billing, or you want to control finalising of costs outside of raising a bill, or if the customer has gone out of business so bills cannot be raised for them

Note: You cannot use this option to finalise transactions that are linked to a sales order or return. You must complete the order or return in the Sales Order Processing module to finalise those transactions.

To finalise costs

Open: Project Accounting > Project Maintenance > Manage Finalising Transactions.

  1. The Manage Finalising Costs window appears:

  2. Select the customer and finalisation date:
    • The Finalisation Date defaults to today's date. If required, select a different date.
    • Select the customer.
  3. To view transaction information about a cost on the list, select it and click Details.
  4. To remove a cost from the list, select it and click Remove.
  5. When you have finished managing the bill transactions, click Save.