Put invoices and credit notes on hold

Find this screen

Open: Invoicing List, then select invoice(s) or credit note(s) and click Amend Status.

Open: Invoicing > Invoices > Amend Invoice Status.

How to

Choose invoice and credit notes

  1. You can select the invoices or credit notes to amend in a few ways:
    • Open Invoicing > Invoicing List, then select the invoice or credit note and select Amend Status.

    • Open Invoicing > Invoices > Amend Invoice Status.
  2. You can use the Selection Criteria to filter the list, for example by customer.

Put invoices and credit notes on or off hold

  • Highlight the invoices or credit notes displayed and click On Hold or Off Hold.

Useful info

About putting invoices and credit notes on hold

You can use this to prevent an invoice or credit note being printed or amended. You might want to do this to prevent an invoice being sent to a customer until a query is resolved.

When a invoice has been put on hold automatically because they're over their credit limit, you'll need to take them off hold here, before they can been printed and posted.

Once an invoice or credit note has been printed however, you can only cancel or post it.

About setting credit limits

You can set a credit limit on a customer's account to help you control the customer's debt.

Once the customer's account balance is more than their credit limit, any invoices that are entered for the customer are automatically put on hold.

If you want to, you can allow certain users to override this. You do this in the invoice and order user permissions. Once set, the user will see a warning when entering an order invoice and they can choose to continue to save it without it being put on hold.

You take them off hold as required, even if the customer's account is still over the credit limit.

About invoice and credit note statuses

Invoices and credit notes can have the following statuses:

  • Saved but not printed.
  • Can be amended or put on hold.
  • Has been assigned an invoice / credit note number.
On Hold
  • Can't be amended or printed until taken off hold.
  • Can't be amended.

    To make amendments the invoice / credit note must be cancelled and re-entered.

  • Can only be reprinted, cancelled or posted.
  • Customer and nominal accounts have been updated.
  • For stock items, stock levels have been updated.
  • Can't be amended or cancelled.
  • Can be reprinted.
  • Any lines are removed.
  • The value is set to zero.


Can't find an invoice or credit note?

  • Only invoices and credit notes that haven't been printed are displayed. These have a status of Draft.
  • You can only change the status for one type at time. If you've selected invoices and credit notes from the Invoicing list, only the invoices will be displayed. You 'll need to re-select the credit notes from the Invoicing List.