Creating a sales order

To create a sales order

Open: Estimating > Processing > Create Sales Order.

  1. Select the estimate references you want to create sales orders for.
  2. Click OK.

    The selected estimates are converted into a sales order and the Sales Order Confirmation window appears.

    Note: Any items configured to be sold from a single batch will not be added to the sales order if the free stock for the batch is zero.

  3. Check the details displayed and, if correct, enter the Customer Order no and click OK. Otherwise, click Cancel.
  4. When the sales order has been created, the Sales Order Number Confirmation window appears. This shows the system generated number for the sales order.
  5. Click OK and confirm whether you want to view the order or not.

    Note: If the quantity on order does not match the unit of measure The quantity in which a stock item is measured for purchase, sale or storage., it is automatically adjusted to the nearest appropriate value.