Add standard items (goods and services) to a purchase order

Add standard items

Open: Purchase Order Processing > Purchase Orders > New Purchase Order

Open: Purchase Order Processing > Purchase Orders > Amend Purchase Order

  1. Go to the Order Details tab.

  2. Add a line to the order and select Standard as the Type.

    Tip: You can also select Find item to search for a stock item using search categories (if you have set these up). See Find stock items using search categories.

  3. Select the stock Item.

  4. Enter the basic details, such as the quantity and warehouse.

  5. To enter more details for the standard item, select More actions > More details.

Product item

  • Code: The standard stock item's code and name.

  • Part reference: The supplier stock item part number. This will display the part number if it has been set in the stock item record, or it will display the stock item code if no part number has been set. You can amend the part reference if required.

  • Amend item description: To change the item's description, select Amend item description and update the Item description as required.

  • Use Update prices when goods are received to choose when to update prices for the item.

    Note: This setting is only available if you have selected the Allow prices to be updated when goods are received on the Order Processing tab in POP settings.

    • If you select Update prices when goods are received, the cost price of goods is confirmed when the goods are recorded as received (in the Sage 200 desktop).

      When the goods are recorded as received:

      • The exchange rate will be taken from either the order or the rate specified in Currencies and Exchange Rates, depending on the setting you've chosen on the POP settings - Order Processing tab (in the Sage 200 desktop).

      • The confirmed stock level is updated.

      • The cost price is updated for stock items using the Actual, FIFO and Average costing methods.

      When you enter the purchase invoice (in the Sage 200 desktop), any differences in the cost price of the goods on the purchase order and the cost price on the purchase invoice is posted to the Differences nominal account specified in the POP settings - Order Processing tab.

    • If you don't select Update prices when goods are received or this setting is not available, the cost price of goods is updated when you enter the purchase invoice (in the Sage 200 desktop).

Delivery information

Deliver to your warehouse

Select the Warehouse where the item will be delivered to (if you are using multiple locations).

Deliver to an address direct from the supplier

A standard item can be delivered to a specific address directly from the supplier. For example, you might want the item sent directly to a customer, or to an address that isn't one of your warehouses.

To set a direct delivery address:

  1. Select For direct delivery from supplier.

  2. To add an address, select Add Direct Delivery Address.

  3. You can choose an existing address from a customer or supplier account, or enter a free text address.

    • To use a customer's address, select Customer account, then select the Customer.

      You can choose a Customer Delivery Address for that customer. The list of addresses will include the main company address for the selected customer account, and also any additional delivery addresses that have been entered in Customer Delivery Addresses (in the Sage 200 desktop).

    • To use a supplier's address, select Supplier account, then select the Supplier.

      The address will be the main company address for the supplier account.

    • To enter a new address, select Free Text, then enter the delivery address details.

    • To use an address that's already used for another item on this order, select Existing direct delivery address on this order, then select the address.

      This option will only be available if you have set a direct delivery address for another item on this order.

  4. Save the delivery address for this item.

    • Select Set as delivery address to use this address.

    • Select Set as default delivery address to use this address, and also set it as the default direct delivery address for any new items that you add to this order.

      If you change the default delivery address, you will be asked if you also want to change the delivery address for any existing order items that used the old default address.

  • To deliver direct from a supplier, you must have selected Allow order entry for goods to be delivered direct from the supplier on the Order Entry tab in POP settings (in the Sage 200 desktop). You can also choose whether to allow the address to be a Customer address, Supplier address, or Free text entry.

  • To view and select a customer delivery address, your user must have access to at least one of these features in Sales Order Processing > Basic: Customer Delivery Addresses, Amend Sales Order, or Enter New Order - Full / New Sales Order (Web Portal).

Delivery dates

You can set a requested delivery date for individual items in the order, and also set multiple delivery dates.

If you've already entered a Delivery requested date for this order, that will be used as the default delivery date for each item in this order.

Note: If you have selected For direct delivery from supplier, you must enter a requested delivery date.

To enter or amend the requested delivery dates for this item:

  1. Select Select Delivery Dates.

  2. Set the delivery dates and quantities for this item.

    • To add a new delivery date, select Add, then enter the Requested date and Quantity to deliver.

    • You can amend the Requested date or Quantity to deliver for any existing delivery dates.

  3. To confirm the delivery dates, select Save.

    You will only be able to save when the Quantity with no delivery date is zero. This shows the difference between the order quantity for the item and the total of each Quantity to deliver that you have entered.

Item values

  • Quantity: Enter the quantity of the item for the order.

    You'll see a warning if the quantity you requested will cause the item to exceed its Re-order stocking level for the selected warehouse, but this will not stop you from ordering the item.

    Note: The quantity will be modified if it is not an allowed amount (according to the unit's precision setting).

  • Buying unit, Buying price unit: The units that the item is bought by, such as a box, crate or bottle.

    • You can only change the buying units for stock items that are bought in trade units. The buying units are usually a multiple of the Stock item unit

  • Unit price: Check and amend the Unit price if required.

    The unit price displayed is the Average buying price for items using the Actual, FIFO and Average costing methods.

    The item's Standard price is displayed for items using the Standard costing method.

  • Unit discount %, Unit discount: If the item is discounted, enter the discount as a percentage or as a fixed amount. You can check the item price after the discount in the Discounted unit price.

  • If the item's product group uses landed costs, the Landed costs type and Landed costs value are displayed.

    To choose the landed costs for this item, set the Landed costs type:

    • Select Not applicable if you do not want to add landed costs for this stock item.

    • Select Percentage based to add landed costs as a percentage of the stock item price. Enter the landed cost percentage value.

    • Select Value based to add landed costs of a fixed amount to the stock item. Enter the landed cost value.

      Note: You cannot use Value based landed costs for stock items that use multiple trade units for buying and selling the item (set on the stock item's product group).

Item totals

The appropriate VAT rate for the combination of supplier and item is displayed.

For foreign currency suppliers, the VAT rate will always default from the supplier account.

Check and amend the displayed VAT rate if required.

For foreign currency suppliers (where the supplier's Country Code is set to a foreign country), Sage 200 will default to using the VAT rate set on the supplier's account, and this will override the default VAT rate of stock item.

Confirmation method

Use Confirmation method to choose when orders containing service/labour items need to be confirmed as received before recording the invoice.

  • If you want to confirm receipt of service/labour items at the same time as stock items, select Confirm with Goods Received.

    This means service/labour items must be recorded as received using Confirm Goods Received (in the Sage 200 desktop), before the invoice can be recorded. Both service/labour items and stock items will appear on the same receipt. A warning is given if the invoice is processed before receipt of the service/labour item.

  • If you want to confirm receipt of service/labour items separately to stock items, select Confirm as Service/Free Text.

    This means service/labour items must be recorded as received using the Confirm Service/Text Items Received (in the Sage 200 desktop). The service/labour items appear on a separate receipt to stock items. You will still use Confirm Goods Received for stock items.

  • If you want to be able to record invoices for service/labour items without confirming receipt, select Confirmation not required.

The default confirmation method for Service/Labour lines is set in the POP settings - Order Processing tab (in the Sage 200 desktop).

Nominal analysis

This is the Cost nominal account used to post the value of the item.

The default nominal account is taken from the stock item or supplier account, depending on your setting in the Default Accounts tab of POP settings in the Sage 200 desktop.

Check the Cost nominal account displayed, and select a different account if required.

Note: You can only amend the nominal account if you have selected to Allow amendment of - Nominal codes in the Order Entry tab of POP settings in the Sage 200 desktop.