Enter the purchase order details

Find this screen

Open: Purchase Order Processing > Purchase Orders > New Purchase Order

Open: Purchase Order Processing > Purchase Orders > Amend Purchase Order

  • Select the Order Details tab.

How to

Add a standard stock item

To add a standard stock item:

  1. Select Standard as the Type.

    Tip: You can also select Find item to search for a stock item using search categories (if you have set these up). See Find stock items using search categories.

  2. Select the stock Item.

  3. Enter the Quantity of the item.

    You'll see a warning if the quantity you requested will cause the item to exceed its Re-order stocking level for the selected warehouse, but this will not stop you from ordering the item.

    Note: The quantity will be modified if it is not an allowed amount (according to the unit's precision setting).

  4. Select the Warehouse where the item will be delivered to, if you are using multiple locations.

    • If the item will be delivered direct from the supplier to a specific address, you will still need to select a warehouse here first. After you have entered the basic details for this standard item, select More actions > More details, and then select For direct delivery from supplier to set the delivery address.

  5. Check the Unit price and enter the price if required.

    The unit price that's displayed depends on the Costing method used for the item.

    • The unit price will show the Average buying price for items that use the Actual, FIFO and Average costing methods.

    • The unit price will show the Standard cost price for items that use the Standard costing method.

  6. Enter a unit discount as a percentage (Disc. %), if required.

  7. Check the VAT rate and amend it if required.

    The appropriate VAT rate for the combination of supplier and item is displayed.

Note - information

You can enter additional details for the standard item, such as discounts, delivery dates, direct delivery addresses, a part reference, and the nominal account for cost.

  • To view and enter more details, select More actions > More details.

See Add standard items (goods and services) to a purchase order.

Add a free text item

Add free text items to include things that are not set up as stock items in Stock Control. You can use free text items for anything that requires a value on the order.

  1. Select Free text as the Type.

  2. Enter a Description for the item.

  3. Enter the Quantity of the item.

  4. Select the Warehouse where the item will be delivered to, if you are using multiple locations.

  5. Enter the Unit price.

  6. Enter a unit discount as a percentage (Disc. %), if required.

  7. Check the VAT rate and amend it if required.

    The appropriate VAT rate for the supplier is displayed.

Note - information

You can enter additional details for the free text item, such as discounts and the nominal account for cost.

  • To view and enter more details, select More actions > More details.

See Add free text items (goods and services) to a purchase order.

Add an additional charge

Additional charges are for any extra costs you need to add, such as carriage or insurance.

  1. Go to the Order Details tab.

  2. Add a line to the order and select Charge as the Type.

  3. Select an existing charge that you've set up, or enter a new charge.

    • To add an existing charge, select the additional charge from the Item list.

    • To enter your own one-off charge, leave the Item blank and enter a Description of the charge.

  4. Check the Unit price of the charge.

    Enter a value if you're adding your own charge.

  5. Check the VAT rate and amend it if required.

    The appropriate VAT rate for the supplier is displayed.

  6. You can enter more details for the additional charge, such as the net value, and the nominal account for cost.

    • To view and enter more details, select More actions > More details.

See Add an additional charge to a purchase order.

Add a comment

You can add comments as lines on the order, for example to add instructions to your supplier or your own staff.

  1. Go to the Order Details tab.

  2. Add a line to the order and select Comment as the Type.

  3. Enter the comment you want to include in the Description.

  4. You can enter more details for the comment, such as whether to display the comment on supplier documents.

    • To view and enter more details, select More actions > More details.

See Add a comment to a purchase order.

Delete or move items

  • To delete an item from the order, select Delete.

  • To change the order of items in the order, select the move Move buton button and drag the item to a new position.

Show item values or quantities

You can view different details for items in the list:

  • Select Show values to display the item's Unit price, Discount rate, VAT rate, and Net value.

  • Select Show quantities to display the quantity of each item that has been Received, the quantity Invoiced, if the purchase order was created from a sales order (SOP Order), and if the order is Complete.

Change the exchange rate

If the order is for a supplier using a foreign currency, check the exchange rate and select Change Rate if you need to amend it.

  • The Currency is set in the supplier's account.

  • The default exchange rate is set in Currencies and Exchange Rates in the Sage 200 desktop. You can change the exchange rate as long as it is set as Amendable - All in Currencies and Exchange Rates.

The exchange rate is used to calculate the price of any items, as prices are stored in the base currency.

The exchange used for nominal account postings is only set when you print the order for the supplier.

Amend or view discounts

  • To view or change the discount values for individual items in the order, select More actions > More details.

  • To view the total discount value for an order, check the Order discount in Subtotals on the Order Details tab.

  • If you will receive a discount on the total order from the supplier, you can enter a Order discount on the Invoice Details tab, as well as any early settlement discounts.

Set analysis codes for lines in an order

To apply analysis codes for individual items in the order:

Select the Order Details tab.

  1. Select More actions > Analysis Codes for the item.

  2. Enter the analysis codes for the item.

    • Select the Value for the analysis codes as required.

    • If you have set a Default value for an analysis code, the default value will already be selected.

    • If you don't want to set an analysis code value, leave the value blank.

      However, you must set a value if you selected Mandatory when setting up the analysis code.

    Note - information

    You can't enter new analysis codes or enter free text for analysis codes in the Web Portal yet. If you need to do this, you will need to use the Sage 200 desktop.

Note: If you can't select an analysis code value, you may not be allowed to amend it. See Can't change the analysis code value?.

See Enter analysis codes for the purchase order.

View requisitions

If the order was generated from a purchase requisition, you can view the details of the requisition fulfilment lines that were used to generate the item on the purchase order.

To view requisitions for an item in the order, select More actions > Requisitions.

An order line may have been generated from multiple requisition lines.

Note: This is only applicable to standard and free text items.

View invoice history

To view the invoice history for an item in the order, select More actions > Invoices.

Note: This is only applicable to standard, free text, and additional charge items. The history is only available for current orders and not for archived orders.

View delivery history

To view the delivery history for an item in the order, select More actions > Deliveries.

Note: This is only applicable to standard and free text items. The history is only available for current orders and not for archived orders.

View linked sales orders

If the item is required to satisfy a customer sales order, you can view a summary of the linked sales orders. You can also check the order quantity that has been delivered and the quantity that is still outstanding.

  • To view linked sales orders for an item in the purchase order, select More actions > Linked Orders.

  • To view a sales order from the list of linked orders, select the Order no.

Note: This is only applicable to standard items. This is only available for current orders and not for archived orders.