Create a project template

To maintain your project templates

Open: Project Accounting > Project Maintenance > Project Templates.

  • To remove a project template, select it and click Delete.
  • To edit a project template, select it and click Edit.
  • To set up a new project template, click Add.

    The Create Template window appears.

  1. Enter a Title for the template.

    You can create a template from scratch, or copy the structure of an existing project or template.

    • To create a project template from scratch, select Create a blank template.

      Select the project level from the list. The new project will use the project structure settings defined in that level.

    • To copy the structure of an existing project template, select Copy a project template.

      Select the project template to copy.

    • To copy the structure of an existing project, select Copy an existing project.

      Select the project to copy.

  2. To create the project template, click Create Template.

    The project structure appears.

  3. When you have finished setting up the project, the new structure will be added to the list of available templates.