Create a project from a quotation

You can create a new project based on a quotation you have generated in the Sales Order Processing module.

Note: You can't do this if the quotation has a stock item on it.

To create a project from a quotation

Open: Project Accounting > Projects > Create Project from Quotation.

  1. Display quotations by:
    1. Selecting the quotation from the Quotation no list.
    2. Entering the Customer reference number for the quotation.
    3. Entering the Quotation date to display quotations for a particular day.
    4. Selecting the related customer account by the account code, short name or postcode.
    5. Clicking Show All Quotations to display a full list of quotations.
  2. Select a quotation from the list.
    1. Enter the project details.
    2. Enter the project code (if you manually enter project codes).
    3. Enter the name of the project in the Project Title box.
    4. Select the template to use for the project.
    5. Select the Project Item to be used as the default item for the project revenues.
  3. To generate the project, click Create project.

    The project record will be created.

  4. To enter or change the project's details or structure, choose Projects > Amend Project and select the project record.