Apply a status to your projects, groups and items

To change the status of projects and items

Open: Project Accounting > Projects > Amend Project Status.

  1. Select the project to amend by its Code.

    The project's structure appears. Each project level, grouping level and project item in the structure is displayed, along with their status, percentage complete and narrative.

  2. To change the status of a project, groups or project item, select a new state from the Status list. If you change the status of a project, sub-project, or group, you can choose to apply that status to items in the structure below.

    Note: To change the status, the Record and track item status setting must be enabled in the Display Features for that item in the Project Structure Settings.

  3. To change the percentage completion for an item, click on the figure in the Comp (%) and enter a new figure.

    Note: To change the percentage complete, the Record percentage complete setting must be enabled in the Display Features for that item in the Project Structure Settings.

  4. Use the Narrative column to record any comments about the project item.
  5. When you have finished amending the status of your project items, click Save.