Sales order reports

Here is a brief description of the reports available for you to find information out about your sales orders.

You can run these report from the Reports section on the Sales Order List or from the Sales Orders > Reports section of the menu.


You can produce reports to determine the status of outstanding sales orders and returns in the order processing life cycle.

Report Group Report Description

Orders Status

Not Fully Allocated

Fully Allocated Not Fully Despatched

Fully Despatched Not Fully Invoiced

These reports show information about where orders are in the order process.

  • Status - a list of current status of all orders
  • Not fully allocated - a list of orders that don't have stock allocated in full.
  • Not sully despatched - a list of orders that where goods still need to be despatched.
  • Not fully invoiced - a list of orders that have been despatched but not yet invoiced.
Order Lines

Allocations Required

Shows orders that still need to have items allocated. These are shown per order. This shows you the quantity required and the order's promised date.


Allocations Not Despatched

Shows orders that have items allocated but not yet despatched. This shows the number of items allocated and still waiting to be allocated (Outstanding).

Despatches Not Invoiced

Shows orders that items ready to be invoiced. This shows the number of items waiting to be invoiced and any outstanding items requiring despatch.

Returns Status

Not Fully Received

Not Fully Credited

These reports show information about where returns are in the returns process.

  • Status - a list of current status of all returns.
  • Not fully received - a list of orders that where goods still need to be received.
  • Not fully credited- a list of orders that have been despatched but not yet credited.
Return Lines

Receipts Pending

Lists return lines where goods have not yet been received.

Receipts Not Credited

Lists return lines where a credit note has not been created.
Payment Methods

Payment Methods Totals Summary

Shows a list of orders where payment has been taken with the order. The orders are grouped per payment method.


Report Group Report Description

Sales Orders

Sales Orders (Detailed)

Sales Orders (Summary)

Shows details of all your orders, quotes, pro formas and returns. There are two version of the report:

  • Summary - shows the status, dates and values per customer.
  • Detailed - additionally shows details of the quantities ordered, allocated and despatched / received.

Order Book

Order Book (Detailed)

Order Book (Summary)

Shows the value of live orders waiting to be invoiced. There are two versions of the report:

  • Summary - lists the uninvoiced value per order
  • Detailed - additionally lists uninvoiced value per line.

Invoices and Credit Notes

Invoices and Credit Notes (Detailed)

Invoices and Credit Notes (Summary)

Shows a list of invoices and credit notes by customer.

  • Summary - shows the total invoice or credit note value.
  • Detailed -additionally shows all the lines on the invoice or credit note.

Order Allocations

Order Allocations

Lists the stock allocations made for orders, by stock item, warehouse and customer. The report shows the allocated quantity at each warehouse for each customer for each item.

Order Despatches

Order Despatches

Provides a copy of the despatch note details for a sales order. This shows the order or return number, the invoice or credit note number, item, quantity, warehouse and user name.

Returns Receipts

Returns Receipts

Lists the details from return receipts by customer and document number.

Cancelled Order Lines

Cancelled Order Lines

Lists cancelled order lines for an order by customer. It shows item, cancelled date, cancelled quantity, selling unit, order number and user.

Stock Item Allocations Required

Stock Items Allocations Required

Shows a list of sales orders that require stock to be allocated to them before the goods can be despatched.

The report focuses on stock items detailing the items required, associated sales orders, the required allocation quantity and the date the goods have been promised to the customers.

Unposted Invoices and Credit Notes

Unposted Invoices and Credit Notes

Lists orders or returns where the invoice or credit note values have not been posted.

Cancelled Invoices

Cancelled Invoices

Lists cancelled invoices for customers. It shows the cancellation date, the order number, the reason for the cancellation and the user.

Overpaid Sales Orders

Overpaid Sales Orders

A report that lists orders that have been overpaid. It shows order number, customer reference, status, order net value, order VAT value, order gross value and the payment value. Overpaid orders cannot be processed until the payment value is amended.

Quotations Converted Quotations

The Converted Quotations report lists which quotes have been converted to sales orders. This can be either direct from a quote, or when converted to a pro forma and then a sales order.

The report shows the Sales Order and Pro Forma Invoice numbers.

Quotations Quotations with Outstanding Pro Formas

This report shows you quotes that have been converted to pro formas, but the pro formas are still live and have not yet been completed. This is useful to find pro formas that require payment, or can be deleted.


Report Group Report Description

Order Profitability (Detailed)

Order Profitability (Summary)

Pro-Forma Profitability (Detailed)

Pro-Forma Profitability (Summary)

Quote Profitability (Detailed)

Quote Profitability (Summary)

Invoice Profitability (Detailed)

Invoice Profitability (Summary)

Shows you the estimated and realised profit for your orders, quotes, pro formas and invoices. For an explanation of how estimated and realised profit is calculated, see Sales order profit.

This shows you the total profit per customer and per order per customer. Both the profit value and the amount as a percentage of the order are shown. There are two versions of each report:

  • Summary - shows the profit per order.
  • Detailed -additionally shows the profit per line.

Note: Sales returns are not included on sales order profitability reports.

Set Up

Report Group Report Description
Additional Charges

Additional Charges

Lists the additional charges set up in Sage 200.
Repeat Order Templates

Repeat Order Templates

Lists the repeat order templates for customers, by customer.
Sales Order Items

Sales Order Items

Lists the sales order items that you have set up.
Customer Delivery Addresses

Customer Delivery Addresses

Lists customer delivery addresses for each customer.