Purchase order workspaces
Use the purchase order workspaces to find information about your purchase orders and returns, and to enter and authorise purchase requisitions.
The workspaces differ from the enquiries in that you can:
- See information for more than one order or requisition at a time.
- Select an order or requisition and see detailed information about it.
- Hide and display columns as required.
- Filter the lists to only see the items you're interested in.
- Print and export the lists to an Excel spreadsheet.
- Run related reports.
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Purchase Documents
Use this to see information about your purchase documents such as goods received and invoicing details.
- Highlight a purchase order or return and see the details, totals, delivery and invoicing details and analysis for your purchase orders.
Open a related workspace with the content already filtered. For example, if you want to view the lines for a specific order, select the order (using the check box) and choose Actions > Workspaces > Purchase Document Line Enquiry. The Purchase Document Line Enquiry workspace opens with the list of lines filtered for the selected order.
Note: This option is not available if you have more than one row selected.
- Desktop only - Complete related tasks from the list of Actions, such as viewing an order, amending an order or return or entering a new order.
- Sort and filter the list of orders and returns. Use the filter options to see information such as orders relating to a specific supplier, or orders related to a specific analysis code or orders above a certain value.
- Find a specific order or return. For example, use the toolbar filter to find an order by document number, supplier or date.
- Print a list of the orders or returns that you are interested in.
- Export the list of orders or returns that you are interested in to an Excel spreadsheet.
Run related reports.
Purchase Document Lines
Use this to see a list of all the lines on your purchase orders and returns. You can see information such as the received and invoiced quantity for each line, and related invoices and credit notes.
- Highlight an order or return line and see the invoice and credit lines, receipt and despatch lines, requested dates, analysis, standard item line details, linked sales orders and linked sales order totals.
Open a related workspace with the content already filtered. For example, if you want to view the order details for a specific line, select the line (using the check box) and choose Actions > Workspaces > Purchase Document Enquiry. The Purchase Document Enquiry workspace opens with the list of orders filtered for the selected line.
Note: This option is not available if you have more than one row selected.
- Sort and filter the list of order and return lines. Use the filter options to search for lines such as those related to a specific order, or to a specific product item.
- Find a specific order line. For example, use the toolbar filter to find a line by stock item.
- Print a list of the document lines that you are interested in.
- Export the list of document lines that you are interested in to an Excel spreadsheet.
- Run related reports.
Purchase Invoices and Credits
Use this to see information about purchase invoice and credit note lines such as the quantity, total value and associated purchase order or return lines.
- Highlight an invoice or credit note line and see the line details and linked purchase order and return lines.
Open a related workspace with the content already filtered. For example, if you want to view the order line associated with the a specific invoice line, select the invoice line (using the check box) and choose Actions > Workspaces > Purchase Document Enquiry. The Purchase Document Enquiry workspace opens with the list of orders filtered for the selected line.
Note: This option is not available if you have more than one row selected.
- Sort and filter the list of invoice and credit note lines. Use the filter options to search for lines such as those related to a specific invoice, or to a specific product item.
- Find a specific order line. For example, use the toolbar filter to find a line by invoice number, order number, or stock item.
- Print a list of the lines that you are interested in.
- Export the list of lines that you are interested in to an Excel spreadsheet.
Purchase GRNs
Use this to see information about your goods received notes (GRNs The Goods Received Note (GRN) number is assigned to a record when goods or services are confirmed as received. It is also applied to a record when goods are returned to a supplier during the Confirmed Goods Returned activity.) and associated orders and returns.
- Highlight a GRN and see the GRN details, GRN lines and associated purchase orders and returns.
- Sort and filter the list of GRNs. Use the filter options to search for GRNs such as those related to a specific supplier.
- Find a specific GRN. For example, use the toolbar filter to find a GRN by number or supplier document number.
- Print a list of the GRNs that you are interested in.
- Export the list of GRNs that you are interested in to an Excel spreadsheet.
Purchase Order Authorisation
Use this to see details of purchase orders that require your authorisation, and to authorise your orders.
Open: Purchase Orders > Processing > Purchase Order Authorisation in the Sage 200 desktop.
Open: Purchase Order Processing > Purchase Order Authorisation in the Self Service web app.
The top pane shows purchase orders requiring your authorisation.
To authorise an order, select the order then select Authorise Orders.
If you want to raise a question with the order originator, select Query Order.
- Highlight an order in the top pane to see information about a selected order in the lower right pane. You can view audit events, notification details, order lines, associated sales orders, and attachments.
- Desktop only - Complete other related tasks from the list of Actions, such as amend an order or enter an invoice.
- Sort and filter the list of orders. Use the filter options to restrict what's shown in the list, such as orders relating to a specific supplier, orders relating to an specific analysis code or orders above a certain value.
- Print a list of the orders that you are interested in.
- Export the list of orders that you are interested in to an Excel spreadsheet.
Run related reports.
Purchase Order Notifications
Use this to see information about notification messages for all purchase orders that require authorisation. Use this to view the details of the notifications messages and see who the messages have been sent to. It does not include purchase orders that have been authorised.
Open: Purchase Orders > Processing > Purchase Order Notifications in the Sage 200 desktop.
Open: Purchase Order Processing > Purchase Order Notifications in the Self Service web app.
- Highlight a notification in the top pane to see information in the lower right pane, such as the message details, and who the notification was sent to.
- Authorise an order. Highlight a notification and choose Actions > Authorise Order.
- Query an order. Highlight a notification and choose Actions > Query Order.
- Desktop only - Complete other related tasks from the list of Actions, such as create a new notification message or amend order status.
- Sort and filter the list of orders. Use the filter options to see notifications by due date or by order originator.
- Search for a specific notification.
- Print a list of the notifications that you are interested in.
- Export the list of notifications that you are interested in to an Excel spreadsheet.
My Unauthorised Purchase Orders
Use this to see details of purchase orders that require authorisation and where you are the order taker or order originator.
Open: Purchase Orders > Processing > My Unauthorised Purchase Orders in the Sage 200 desktop.
Open: Purchase Order Processing > My Unauthorised Purchase Orders in the Self Service web app.
- Highlight an unauthorised order in the top pane to view more details. The bottom pane shows order lines and audit events, and the right-hand pane shows order details, delivery details, notification details, and associated sales orders.
- Select an order line to see item line details, requested delivery dates, associated invoices and despatches.
- Desktop only - Complete related tasks from the list of Actions, such as view or amend an order or change the order status.
- Sort and filter the list of orders or order lines. Use the filter options to see information such as orders related to a specific supplier, orders relating to an specific analysis code or orders above a certain value.
- Search for a specific order or for a specific order line.
- Print a list of the orders or order lines that you are interested in.
- Export the list of order or order lines that you are interested in to an Excel spreadsheet.
- Run related reports.
Enter Purchase Requisition
Use this to enter purchase requisitions for items that you wish to order.
See Enter a purchase requisition.
Open: Purchase Order Processing > Enter Purchase Requisition in the Self Service web app.
Open: Purchase Orders > Purchase Requisitions > Enter Purchase Requisition in the Sage 200 desktop.
Enter the details of the item you need and select Add to include it as a line in the requisition.
You must enter the Item name and Quantity, and the remaining details are optional.
- If you use budgets, select the Combined Budget, which will be used for all lines in the requisition.
- To add a comment to a requisition, select the Comments tab.
- When you've finished adding items, select Save Draft if you don't want to submit the requisition just yet, or select Submit when you're ready to send the requisition for approval.
My Purchase Requisitions
Use this to check the status of your purchase requisitions, and to amend draft requisitions.
See My Purchase Requisitions workspace.
Open: Purchase Order Processing > My Purchase Requisitions in the Self Service web app.
Open: Purchase Orders > Purchase Requisitions > My Purchase Requisitions in the Sage 200 desktop.
- Select a requisition to see the Purchase Requisition Lines it contains, and more information in the Requisition Detail.
Select a requisition line to see more details in the Requisition Line panel.
Tip: Here you can see any comments added by the authoriser, such as why a requisition line was rejected.
- To view or amend a requisition, click its number in the Document No column.
- To delete a draft requisition, tick the box to select the requisition, then select Actions > Delete.
- You can see the Status of the requisition, to see if it's submitted, rejected, or still a draft.
- Sort and filter the list of requisitions or requisition lines. Use the filter options to restrict what's shown in the list, such as requisitions for a particular budget, with a certain status, or made on a certain date.
- Print a list of the requisitions that you are interested in.
- Export the list of requisitions or requisition lines that you are interested in to an Excel spreadsheet.
Purchase Requisition Authorisation
Use this to authorise or reject purchase requisition lines that require your authorisation, and generate purchase orders.
See Authorise purchase requisitions and generate orders.
Open: Purchase Order Processing > Purchase Requisition Authorisation in the Self Service web app.
Open: Purchase Orders > Purchase Requisitions > Purchase Requisition Authorisation in the Sage 200 desktop.
The requisition lines that are available for you to authorise are displayed.
- Select a requisition line to see more details, such as comments from the requester.
To authorise requisition lines, select the lines and select Authorise.
- To authorise requisition lines and generate purchase orders for the items, select the lines and select Authorise and Generate Orders.
To reject requisition lines, select the lines and select Reject, and enter a comment for the requester to say why you have rejected their requisition.
- To add a comment to a requisition line for the requester, select the line and select Comment.
- Sort and filter the list of requisition lines. Use the filter options to restrict what's shown in the list, such as requisitions from a particular person, from a certain supplier, or above a certain value.
- Print a list of the requisition lines that you are interested in.
- Export the list of requisition lines that you are interested in to an Excel spreadsheet.
My Authorised Purchase Requisitions
Use this to see purchase requisition lines that you've authorised.
See My Authorised Purchase Requisitions workspace.
Open: Purchase Order Processing > My Authorised Purchase Requisitions in the Self Service web app.
Open: Purchase Orders > Purchase Requisitions > My Authorised Purchase Requisitions in the Sage 200 desktop.
- Select an item from the Authorised Requisition Lines list to display its details.
- The Requisition Details panel shows who requested the item and any comments.
- Purchase order details for the requisition line are shown in the Requisition Fulfilment Lines panel.