Configure Sage 200 to use Opayo (formerly Sage Pay)

Note - information

Opayo is the new name for Sage Pay.

How to

Subscribe to Opayo

To apply for an Opayo account:

  1. Visit Opayo (opens in a new tab) to sign up.

  2. As part of the sign up process, you will be provided with a Vendor name and password. You will use these to link your Opayo account to Sage 200.

Set Sage 200 to use Opayo

To configure Sage 200 to use Opayo, you need to:

  1. Make sure you've chosen to enable card processing in the Customer settings and defaults. This is turned on by default.

    Open: Settings > Customer and Supplier > Customer settings and defaults

    1. Select Edit.

    2. Move to the Customer Defaults tab.

    3. Select Enable Card Processing.

  2. If you want to take card payments when sales orders are entered, enable card processing in Invoice and Order Settings.

    Open: Settings > Invoicing and Sales Orders > Invoice and Order Settings

    1. Select Edit.

    2. Move to the Order Entry tab.

    3. Select Enable card processing.

Security and firewall settings

To communicate with Opayo, Sage 200 needs to be able to access certain URLs.




Set up a bank account for your Opayo transactions

You must choose the bank account in Sage 200 where all your Opayo transactions are recorded. This is called the Merchant Account The bank account used for your Opayo (formerly Sage Pay) transactions.. This would usually be the same bank account that you used to subscribe to Opayo.

Open: Settings > Organisation and Financial > Merchant Account.

  1. Click Edit.

  2. Choose the bank account from the Code or Account Description columns.

Link Sage 200 with your Opayo account(s) and test

Before you can start entering live card payments into Sage 200, you must connect your Sage 200 companies to any Opayo accounts that you want to use and test the connection.

  1. Create a configuration for each Opayo account you want to use:

    Open: Settings > Organisation and Financial > Online Card Settings.

    1. On the Properties tab, enter a unique Configuration Name for the configuration. The Configuration Description is optional.

    2. On the Online Card Provider tab:

      1. Enter the Opayo vendor name and administrator password, provided when you enrolled for Opayo.

      2. Select Activate Account in Test Mode.

        Your Opayo account is now in test mode. Review the information that is displayed on the screen.

        You can post test receipt and refund transactions to verify that Sage 200 and Opayo are connected.

    3. On the Companies tab, choose the Sage 200 companies to use with this Opayo account. All card transactions are processed for the selected companies using this Opayo account.

  2. Enter test payments and refunds.

    Use the Online Card Receipt and the Refund Online Card Receipt screens. You can either enter a dummy receipt for a small amount such as 1p or use the test card details to process a real payment for a customer. If you enter a dummy receipt, don't forget to reverse it. See Correct posted customer transactions.

    1. Open Customers > Online Cards > Online Card Receipt.

    2. Enter the details of a receipt.

    3. Enter test card details.

      Note - information

      Opayo have provided a set of test bank card details specifically for you to test with. See Test your Opayo integration (Opayo) (opens in a new tab) for details of how to Process a test transaction.

  3. Log in to the Opayo testing environment and check that the test receipts have successfully posted to your Opayo test account:

    1. Open Test MyOpayo (opens in a new tab).

    2. Enter your Opayo credentials: Vendor Name, User and Password.

    3. From the Transactions tab, check you can see you test payments.

    Tip: Don't forget your reverse the receipt if you've entered a dummy one. See Correct posted customer transactions.

  4. Make your Opayo account live.

    Open: Settings > Organisation and Financial > Online Card Settings.

    1. Select the Online Card Provider tab.

    2. Click Make Account Live. Your Opayo account is now live and you can process card payments.

Set up an additional company after Opayo is configured

If you add a company to your site after Opayo has been configured, and you want to process card payments, you'll need to link the new company to a Opayo account first.

To link to an existing Opayo account:

Open: Settings > Organisation and Financial > Online Card Settings

  1. Select the Opayo account configuration you want to use, and click Edit.

  2. On the Companies tab, choose the company from the Assign companies list and use the arrows to move it to the Selected Companies list.

To use a new Opayo account, see the steps above for Link Sage 200 with your Opayo account(s) and test.

Useful info

About Opayo

Opayo (formerly Sage Pay) is an online card service provider similar to PayPal. Opayo integrates seamlessly with Sage 200 making it easier for your customers to pay you and easier for you to process those payments.

Once you've subscribed and integrated Opayo with Sage 200, you can:

  • Take card payments from your customers and input them directly into Sage 200. This is useful when a customer pays you over the phone.
  • Add Pay Now buttons to invoices, statements and debtor letters, so your customers can pay you immediately. Your customer just clicks the button and enters their card details.
  • Import payments made using the Pay Now option, directly into Sage 200.

Using more than one Opayo account

If you have more than one Opayo account, you must set up a separate configuration for each one and choose which Sage 200 companies to link to each one. Card payments are then processed for the Opayo account the company is linked to.

Each Sage 200 company can only be linked to one Opayo account.

About the merchant account

You must choose a bank account where Opayo transactions are recorded in Sage 200. This links Opayo to this bank account and all card payments are recorded against this account.

If you want to, you can set up a new bank account for these transactions. See Create or amend a bank account.

Tip: As Opayo transactions may be collated and paid into your real life bank account as amalgamated totals that won't easily match transactions in Sage 200, we recommend that you use a separate bank account for your Opayo transactions. You can then transfer the values to your other bank accounts in Sage 200, with dates and values that reflect the actual transactions, making bank reconciliation easier.

Fix it

Get a 'Company already assigned' error?

This means that the selected company has already been assigned to the Opayo account, can can't be linked to another one.

You'll need to remove the company from an existing configuration before you can assign it to this one.

Change the Administrator password for my Opayo account

If the Administrator password for your Opayo account has changed, you'll need to delete the configuration and set it up again using the new password.

What happens when I

Put my account into test mode?

You can post test online card receipt and refund transactions from Sage 200, use the Opayo test server to ensure they are successfully reaching Opayo.

You must use the test bank card details provided by Opayo for your testing.

Make my account live?

You can begin to take real online card payments and make refunds.

Remove an Opayo account?

This removes the link between Sage 200 and the selected Opayo account, so you'll no longer be able process card payments for this account.

If you remove the last configuration, you won't be able to process card payments at all.

If you remove one in error, simply set it up again.

Note - information

Sage is providing this article for organisations to use for general guidance. Sage works hard to ensure the information is correct at the time of publication and strives to keep all supplied information up-to-date and accurate, but makes no representations or warranties of any kind—express or implied—about the ongoing accuracy, reliability, suitability, or completeness of the information provided.

The information contained within this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. Sage assumes no responsibility for any action taken on the basis of the article. Any reliance you place on the information contained within the article is at your own risk. In using the article, you agree that Sage is not liable for any loss or damage whatsoever, including without limitation, any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental loss or damage, arising out of, or in connection with, the use of this information.