Enquire on fixed assets
How to
Enquire on fixed assets
Open: Nominal > Fixed Assets > Fixed Asset Enquiry.
You can find the current value of your assets and when they were last depreciated. This helps you to determine the status of individual assets.
Useful info
About the fixed assets workspace
Use this to see details of your fixed assets such as asset net book value, last depreciated date, total depreciation posted and so on.
- Highlight an asset and see a list of the posting transactions for the asset, showing transaction date, type, posting value, period number and URN.
- Desktop only - Complete related tasks from the list of Actions, such as entering or amending an asset, or depreciating, disposing of and deleting assets.
- Sort and filter the list of accounts. Use the filter options to see information such as fixed assets by depreciation method, date acquired or residual value.
- Search for a specific asset. For example, use the toolbar filter to find an asset by name or reference.
- Print a list of the assets that you are interested in.
- Export to an Excel spreadsheet, the list of assets that you are interested in.
About workspaces
You can use the filter options and column selector to choose the data that is displayed. You can add or remove content and change the available actions, the reports, the columns and how they are displayed, the default filters used for the toolbar filter and so on.
In the desktop application, you can open a workspace from the Workspaces option on the main menu, or from the Enquiries menu in each module.
If you open workspaces in a web browser, you select the module and then the workspace required.