Allocations/Issues (batch works order)
Use the Allocations/Issues tab to view details of components Raw materials used to manufacture finished goods. and raw materials The base materials from which sub-assemblies, components and finished goods are made. allocated and issued to date.
When the works order is created, the BOM A stock assembly and process costing system, which provides facilities to specify the structure of finished items in terms of sub-assemblies and components. components are copied to the Allocation/Issues section of the works order. Manufacturing functions involving stock are based on the information held on this tab, not on the original BOM.
The design of the product might need to be modified for this specific works order. There might be a specific customer request for a modification, or a component might be unavailable. You can add, amend or remove components from the works order. This does not affect other works orders created from the original BOM.
You can update the BOM with amendments, if required.
To maintain components in the batch works order
Open: Works Orders > Records > Batch > Enter New Works Order | Allocations/ Issues.
Open: Works Orders > Records > Batch > Amend Works Order | Allocations/Issues.
- To add a component, click in the Product Code box in a new line, and enter the item details.
- To amend a component, select the required component and change the details where necessary. You can change any details of a component as long as it has not been allocated or issued.
If required, enter additional information about the component.
in the Description box.
- In the Component Details window, enter the Quantity required to manufacture the finished item.
- If a unit of measure was stored against an item in the stock record Unit of Sale box, this unit is displayed. The unit, here, is not a unit of sale as this is a component and not a sales item. Manufacturing uses the stock record unit of sale value as a default, in the absence of a stock record unit of cost.
Select the Update Stock check box if the component is to be allocated and issued.
This may be selected or not by default. The Bulk Issue Item setting on the BOM A stock assembly and process costing system, which provides facilities to specify the structure of finished items in terms of sub-assemblies and components. Components tab is used as the default. If the Bulk Issue Item is set the Update Stock flag is cleared, and vice versa.
- To add notes about the component, click the Memo tab and add these.
- To save the component details, click OK. You are returned to the Allocations/Issues tab.
This should be the total quantity required of this component.
If you enter a quantity which does not match the unit, the quantity is automatically adjusted to the nearest appropriate value.
Enter the quantity required in the Required column.
This should be the total quantity required of this component.
If you enter a quantity which does not match the unit of the item, the quantity is automatically adjusted to the nearest appropriate value.
- To view a list of purchase orders and works orders tagged to the works order, click OrderEnquiry.
- To re-sequence the components, click Re-sequence.
- To delete a component that has not been allocated or issued, select it and press F8.
- To continue making changes to batch works order details, select the Tracking tab.
- To save your batch works order details, click Save.
A new Seq number is automatically calculated for this new component although you can change this if required.
The description is updated automatically but you can also change this if required.
Enter or amend batch works orders
Other tasks
Main details (batch works order)
Additional details (batch works order)
Sales orders (batch works order)
Latest costs (batch works order)
Add attachments to batch works order
Analysis codes (batch works order)
Working with works order images